WB 20.4.20
Hello Class 5
I have downloaded a power point and two accompanying templates for you to write your buddy letters. Miss Hazeldine has put together the power point which explains what you need to do.
Enjoy and make it the best piece of work you have done all year. I know you can do it.
Mrs McClellan
Hello Class 5.
Welcome to the summer term. Did you enjoy Easter? Has anyone got any chocolate left? I've been so impressed with how well everyone has adapted and is working hard at home. Keep going!
It is time to get back to daily home school. Everyday, I'll be adding more tasks for you to complete. I'll also add any links that I feel will help you to complete your tasks.
Here is to a GREAT week.
Mrs Pawson
Friday 24th April
Writing- complete your buddy letter.
Challenge: Complete the writing task from BBC Bitesize. I've added a link below.
MATHS: finish off the measure booklet.
You will find it in the documents for Wednesday.
ACTIVE LEARN: spend 30 minutes reading
TT ROCKSTARS: spend 20-30 minutes going over your times tables
Thursday 23rd April
PURPLE MASH: English- write sentences that use expanded noun phrases. You can draw pictures to go with your sentences. You will find this in your 2do list.
MATHS: carry on working on the measure booklet. You will find it in the documents for Wednesday.
ACTIVE LEARN: spend 30 minutes reading
TT ROCKSTARS: spend 20-30 minutes going over your times tables |
Wednesday 22nd April
PURPLE MASH: Maths- Measure problems. You will find this in your 2do list. Challenge: I've uploaded the next booklet for you to make a start on that if you have time.
GRAMMAR: Complete this activity in your home learning book. Expanded noun phrases Follow the link below for the BBC Bitesize website. Please watch the clips and complete activity 2 in your book.
E-safety: Digital Footprint task. Watch the video first and then log into Purple Mash to complete your task.
ACTIVE LEARN: spend 30 minutes reading
TT ROCKSTARS: spend 20-30 minutes going over your times tables |
Measure activity booklet- try to complete it by the end of the week.
Tuesday 21st April
PURPLE MASH: History-You are going to research and write about Viking longships. I’ve added some links below to help.
GRAMMAR: Complete this activity in your home learning book. Adjectives See link below for task and another one with lots of information to help you.
MATHS: Complete this activity in your home learning book. Measure Finish off the booklet (see link below). Challenge: estimate and measure a range of items around your house using a ruler or measuring tape. Can you order them from shortest to longest? Can you convert the measurement, for example from cm to mm? You could also try weighing objects.
ACTIVE LEARN: spend 30 minutes reading
TT ROCKSTARS: spend 20-30 minutes going over your times tables |
Monday 20th April
PURPLE MASH: Spelling game-Nouns that end in -ce/-cy and verbs that end in -se/-sy See attached sheet with spelling activity.
GRAMMAR: Complete this activity in your home learning book. Nouns Go through a book or magazine and create a mind map of all of the nouns (abstract, pronoun, collective, common, proper, concrete and compound) you can find. I’ve uploaded some posters that will help you to remember different types of nouns. Challenge: find synonyms for 10 of the nouns you’ve found.
MATHS: Complete this activity in your home learning book. Measure Start new booklet (see link below). This is a short booklet so please complete half today and half tomorrow. We’ll start a new booklet on Wednesday.
ACTIVE LEARN: spend 30 minutes reading
TT ROCKSTARS: spend 20-30 minutes going over your times tables |