WB 20.4.20
Friday 24th April 2020
Dear Year 4,
Well here we are at the end of another week. I hope that you have managed to complete the work this week whilst still having fun in the sun!
Here are today's activities. Please don't forget about Time Tables Rockstars.
Take care,
Mrs Smith x
Writing Task
Please complete in your books by 1st May.
Write an instruction sheet explaining how to make Chocolate Crispy Cakes. Remember that instructions should start with, 'bossy,' or imperative verbs, such as. Put, Place, Stir, Mix, Melt or with adverbials of time, After that, Next, Finally. Don't forget the comma!
Look again at the powerpoint Adding and Subtracting Fractions. Read from slide 37. Have a go at the problem fractions, slides 38-45. Copy/print and complete them into your books. If you have time, you could look at the interactive game on slide 49 or the extra challenges on slides 50-52.
Active Learn or your own books x 15 minutes
Times tables
Please spend 10 minutes on your times tables worksheets.
Daily Smile
Where would you find an elephant?
The same place that you lost her!
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Good morning Year 4,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunny weather. Thank you for all your work yesterday. I can see that you are all trying very hard. If I think you might like another go at the Purple Mash activities, I will reset the task. If you don't want to do it again that's fine don't worry. I have also been awarding online prizes on Purple Mash. Have you got any yet?
I appreciate that having to do all the work at home outside the classroom can be a little tricky at times, but please be assured that I am very impressed and proud of you all. I can see that you are trying hard to make sure that you are ready for year 5. Thank you for the photos which some of you are sending in, I will continue to put a small selection onto the website page. Any work you do into your books, I will look at properly when we are back at school.
If you have any problems with a task then either email in for extra help or leave it and make a note. When we get back to school we can have another look.
I have had a look at your book allocations again today and updated them. Some of you are doing lots of reading which is amazing.
Thank you again to all of you and of course to your parents.
Take care.
Mrs Smith x
Daily Smile
Why did the teddy bear so no to dessert?
Because he was stuffed!
Active Learn Grammar and Spelling Bug
Please complete the game which tests your understanding of 'Common Mis-spellings.'
Please continue with the Adding and Subtracting Fractions work. Read from slide 20-36 and see if you can complete the tasks on slides 23, 27 and 28. Copy/print the work and put it into your books. Try not to look at the answers until you have finished!
Active Learn and answering questions x15
TT Rockstars
X15 minutes practise
22.4.20 Wednesday
Good morning Year 4
I hope you are enjoying the work so far this week.
Thank you so much for completing your Purple Mash tasks, you all did a super job! As it was a game, it won't allow me to leave individual feedback - I didn't realise this until I went to monitor and comment back to you so apologies! I was able to print off your scores and see how well that you have done. Don't forget that you can replay a game if you want to improve your score.
Have a lovely day,
Mrs Smith x
Purple Mash 2Do activity 'Rounding to estimate,' game. Make sure you read the instructions before you start.
Purple Mash 2Do activity, 'Pronouns and nouns,'game. Please write you new sentences into your books. I have added a powerpoint and video for you to look at to help you remember a little of what we have done previously on nouns and pronouns.
Please complete the Esafety Quiz on PurpleMash. You can play this game on your own or with another family member. Just choose a team colour. Good luck.
Please read on Active Learn or one of your own books for at least 15 minutes.
Times Tables Rockstars
Please practice your times tables and try to improve your speed. Spend at least 10 minutes.
Daily Smile
What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between us, something smells!
Tuesday 21.4.20
Good morning Year 4, welcome to another Tuesday.
Here is today's work. Thank you for your hard work yesterday.
Geography- Country study
2DO Purple Mash to be completed by 28th April. Please do some research about Japan and report back. I have included a word document and powerpoint to get you started.
2DO Purple Mash. Franks's Clever Window. Practise punctuation in direct speech. Complete it online, then copy your answers directly into your books or print off the sheet, complete and stick into your books. If possible, please, 'hand in,' your work online so that I know you have finished. Don't forget if you want to retry an activity on Purple Mash, please ask me to reset it. You should be able to ask in the comment box and I will pick it up and sort it out.
Times tables. Please complete the worksheets which you took home with you. Spend 10 minutes and don't forget to time yourself. Put the sheet into your books.
Active learn x15minutes.
Daily Smile
What is brown, hairy and wears sunglasses?
A coconut!
Have a lovely day x
Hi Year4,
Gosh you have been busy already on Purple Mash!. Fabulous scores. Just a quick note, if you want to have another go at any of the activities on Purple Mash, leave me a comment and I will try to reset the task so that you can have another go.
Good Luck, keep up the good work.
Mrs Smith x
Monday 20.4.20
Good morning Year 4.
I hope you all had a lovely break and enjoyed the Easter activities. I have been thinking about you all a lot over the past few weeks and I am looking forward to seeing you all again when life gets back to normal. I am still very impressed by your work and I enjoy receiving your comments on Purple Mash. I have put some of your work onto the Sharing board on Purple Mash so that you can take a look at each others work.
This week will be slightly different as some work will be going into your writing books. I am very much looking forward to getting these books back later in the term so that I can take a look.
With the tasks this week you will have to look carefully at the powerpoints and watch the videos to guide you with your work. There will also be help buttons to open and read to support you further. Please don't worry if you don't understand a task, just try your best.
Please thank your parents for all the help they are giving you to help you access the work and for sending me all the lovely photos.
Take care and stay safe. Keep smiling.
Mrs Smith x
Daily Smile
Why did the pupil eat his homework?
Because the teacher had told him it was, 'a piece of cake!'
Here we go...
Purple Mash 2DO spelling Quiz
Grammar Task
Purple Mash 2DO 'Harry's Party.' Look at the difference between plural and possessives-s. Re-write the sentences into your books or print the worksheet, complete and stick into your books.
Have a look at the powerpoint about adding and subtracting fractions. We have done a little of this before we finished so hopefully the slides will be a recap. Read up to slide 19 and copy the 'Adding Fractions,' worksheets on slide 11 and 18 into your books. Make sure you read the information carefully about, 'improper fractions,' and 'mixed numbers.'
An improper fraction is simply a fraction where the numerator is bigger than the denominator.
A mixed number is a number with a whole number and a fraction.
Active Learn, read an online book or one of your own books x15 minutes.
TT Rockstars
Practise for 15 minutes