WB 20.4.20
Friday April 24th.
Good morning Class 3. It's Friday already! We hope you've all had a good week and that you've been enjoying this lovely sunshine. We can see that lots of you have been in the garden and are busy planting seeds. We are looking forward to seeing what you are growing. Please remember to send us pictures so that we can share them with everyone.
We are missing you all!
Here are today's activities.
We are going to ask you to produce a piece of writing in your books today. We have provided you with a choice of two pictures to choose from. Choose one and write a story about it. Think of it as an extended writing lesson. Plan your work and maybe even draw yourself a mind map! Remember that when we planned our work in class we thought of a great beginning, middle and ending. Remember to introduce your characters and their settings and the use of adjectives in your work. Lots to think about Class 3.
You have until next Friday to finish your story. Please share it with us as we'd love to see what you have written. Remember punctuation, cursive handwriting and paragraphs please. Have fun Class 3.
We'd like you to do some practical work today please.
Look around your home for 2D things you can measure. We'd like you to measure the perimeter of objects and items you have in your home eg. books, place mats, tiles etc. Draw them in your book (not to scale) and record the measurement of their perimeters. We look forward to seeing your work.
Please read one of your Active Learn books or a book of your choice from home. Remember to record the books you are reading.
Please continue to practise your times tables.
Have a lovely weekend Class 3.
Thursday April 23rd.
Good morning Class 3. We hope you are all well and enjoying the work we are setting for you. Your new science topic with Mrs Ames sounds really exciting. We are looking forward to seeing your work about plants.
Here are your Thursday activities.
Your work today is a measuring game. It's on your 2do list on Purple Mash. I hope you enjoy it.
Please look on Purple Mash and you will see that I've set you a game to play called Bella on the Farm. This game is about prepositions. I've also attached a work sheet that you can complete once you've played the game.
Remember to read one of your Active Learn books. You might also want to read a book from home.
Keep practising your times tables please.
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Good morning Class 3
We hope you are enjoying the lovely weather we have been having. Lots of you have told us about the gardening you have been doing at home - well this is perfect weather for it and we'd love to see photos of anything you have planted!
Here are your activities for today
Today we are looking at 'Digital Footprints' - what they are, who has them and whether they are good, bad or both! Watch the video below and then use the information to complete the 2do activity on Purple Mash.
We are going to continue with our perimeter work today. You are going to need a ruler for this work. Remember that you need to start at 0cm when you are measuring the length of the lines in today's work. I'm sure you will enjoy this work. Please remember to measure carefully.
I hope you enjoyed the work I set for you yesterday. I'm sure you did a great job! Today's work is all about prepositions again. Read the instructions carefully please.
Please read one of your Active Learn books - don't forget to complete the comprehension questions too!
Please remember to practise your times tables for at least 15 mins daily.
Tuesday, April 21st.
Good morning Class 3. We hope you all had a good day yesterday and enjoyed the activities we set for you. It was lovely to see the work you sent into school. We have been busy answering all your messages on Purple Mash and looking at all the wonderful work you have been completing. We are very proud of you all.
Here are today's activities.
We are going to re-visit and consolidate some of the work we started in school.
Look at the Power Point I have attached for you about PREPOSITIONS then complete the activity below.
Complete at least 2 of the sheets from the perimeter work below. You can try the challenge too if you want to!
Firstly, I just want to say how thrilled I was to see your practical activities for our light topic. You’ve been very busy at home and I am so proud of you
We are now moving on to our next topic: Plants.
Hopefully, this will be the perfect opportunity for you to get 'hands on' again as you learn all about plants: different parts, different functions and what they need to grow.
Here are some ways you might like to work practically over the next few weeks:
Today we are labelling the different parts of a plant and learning about the job that each part has to do to!
Everything you need to know, including your activity for today, is in the PowerPoint below
(I have given you a choice of activity - both on purple mash - please choose the one that will challenge you!)
Remember to keep reading your Active Learn books. We can see that some of you only have a few books left, but we check daily and will add more books if we see that you are running out. Remember that you can read your own books from home too. Please remember to record the books you are reading.
Please practise your times tables for 15 minutes every day.
Monday 20th April 2020
Good morning Class 3
We hope you have had a lovely time over Easter and enjoyed the sunshine! It was fantastic to see so many entries for the Easter competition and we have been thrilled to see all the hard work you've been doing. We are so proud of you all
Here's a little code breaker to get you started for the week:
We hope you enjoy the activities we have lined up for you today!
We are looking at a new spelling pattern this week: when 'ch' makes a 'sh' sound, like in the word parachute!
Take a look at the PowerPoint below to find out which other words this rule applies to:
Spelling Presentation
We are going to introduce a new topic this week - PERIMETER.
Look at the power points below and make sure you understand what perimeter is and what to do before you start the activities we have set. Please watch the power points as slide shows.
Let's do some revision.
Re-write these sentences using the correct punctuation.
Choose the one that will challenge you. Re-write these sentences in your workbook please. Remember your cursive, joined up handwriting!
Remember to read one of your Active Learn books or a book of your choice from home. Please record the books you are reading at home. (15 mins daily reading)
15 mins daily practise