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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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WB 20.4.20

Hello everybody!laugh


Yay it's FRIDAY!

I hope everyone is enjoying this week's home learning activities!

Thank you for all of your hard work as always this week and for always trying your bestsmiley I am so proud of you all all of the wonderful work you are continuing to complete!


If you would like to access any additional activities whilst at home, BBC Bitesize have some great daily lessons on their website - not just English and Maths, but also Science, History, Geography and more! So if you would like to take a look, I have added the link below...blush


Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend, 


Miss Hill x 

Friday 24th April 2020


WRITING: Retell a fairy tale. Choose one of the fairy tales below and retell the story in your own words in your exercise books!smiley

MATHS: Train Time word problems.


enlightenedOnce you have completed them, maybe you could make up some word problems of your own!

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.




Good Morning Y2!smiley



I hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunny weather that we are having! Thank you for all of the work that you are sending into school - it's great to see you all working so hard! I will continue to add a selection of home learning to the class pageblush


I have monitored your Active Learn book allocations so you should all have plenty of reading books available! Don't forget to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished reading so it shows that you have completed the book. 


Have a lovely day everyone! Stay safe,


Miss Hill x

Here are a range of 20 'screen free' activities that you might like to try to break up your online home learning!

Thursday 23rd April 2020


PURPLE MASH: Grammar – Noun Suffixes. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.


Once you have completed your quick quiz on Purple Mash, choose ten different suffixes from the list below and create your own sentences using these words in your exercise books!blush I have also included a short video clip to recap prefixes/suffixes if you would like to take a look!

MATHS: Time – quarter to. (You may want to recap and watch the video further down from Tuesday!laugh)

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.



Hello Everyone!laugh



I have really enjoyed looking through your safari animal fact sheets on Purple Mash - they were all fantastic! Lots of detail and lovely to hear that you enjoyed the task!


You have an additional E-Safety task to do today (don't worry if you aren't able to finish it today - you can work on this over the next few dayssmiley)


Have a lovely day and keep safe, 


Miss Hill


Wednesday 22nd April 2020


PURPLE MASH: Maths - Interpreting Block Graphs


E-SAFETY: BBC Bitesize – How can you use the web safely? Use the link below to access the website. Can you create a poster with ways of keeping safe online?


Mrs Pawson has also set an E-Safety task for you to complete on Purple Mash which you will find in your 2do list - you can choose whether you would like to create a poster using the information above or do the online activityblush

GRAMMAR: Making sense of sentences. Write the sentences from the worksheet below in your exercise books – add in the correct punctuation and capital letters.

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.




Good Morning Year 2!blush 



Thank you so much for completing your Purple Mash task yesterday, you all did amazing! As it was a quiz, it wont allow me to leave individual feedback - I didn't realise this until I went to monitor and comment back to you so apologies! 


Today's Purple Mash task is a fact file about safari animals so once you have completed this, hand it in and I will be able to reply back with a message for you! Keep up the fantastic home learning - you are all wonderful! Thank you to your parents also for all of their support with your worklaugh


Have a lovely day, 


Miss Hill 


Tuesday 21st April 2020


PURPLE MASH: Safari Animals fact sheet – use the information below to help you!

MATHS: Time – quarter past. Watch the video below to remind you of our work on time. Complete the activity filling in the missing times. 

If you wanted to practise telling the time some more, you could use the sheets below and have a go at writing different times in words and also digitally (this is an additional activity so please only complete if you choose tosmiley

GRAMMAR: Missing punctuation task. Can you rewrite the passage in your exercise books adding in the missing punctuation?smiley

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)


TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.



Hello Class 2!



I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the Disney home learning tasks from last weeklaugh


This week, you will have one Purple Mash task per day (apart from Friday) as well as your usual Active Learn reading and TT Rockstars practise.


I will also set daily maths and grammar activities which you can complete in your exercise books. On Wednesday, you will have your usual E-Safety task and Friday will be a short writing piece.


I will add comments and feedback to your work on Purple Mash throughout the week as you hand it in.


You are all doing a super job with your home learning – I have been SO impressed with the work I have seen so far. Keep it up everyone!


Miss Hill


Monday 20th April 2020


PURPLE MASH: Phonics activity set as a 2do on Purple Mash.


MATHS: Time - months of the year.

I have also attached a booklet of maths number grids below that you may want to work through over the next couple of weeks!

GRAMMAR: Statements, questions, commands and exclamations.

ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading) I will monitor reading on Active Learn during the week and allocate more books once I see you only have a few leftsmiley


If you have read your x1 book on Active Learn and would like to read some more, don't forget about the Collins Big Cat reading resources which also has book banded reading books for you to access online. 


To log in to Collins Connect: 

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk

Password: Parents20! 

TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day. 