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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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WB 18.5.20

Friday 22nd May


Friday! Yay! Thank you for your child profile sheets. I have had 20 in now so need another 10 more by today so if you haven’t yet completed it, please do so now! Remember it is for the year book so it is really important!  Thank you for your help!


What was the goal of the detective duck?

To quack the case!


MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the activities in the Mathsphere booklet. 


MATHS ACTIVITY: Arithmetic paper. You don’t need to print this, you can just answer in your book.


PURPLE MASH: Create a poster to persuade people to be more active. Think about all of the benefits.


WRITING TASK: To complete your child comment section for your end of year report. I have attached a copy of the format to use and also a set of instructions so you understand what you are supposed to be doing!


A big well done for all of your home learning this term! Lots of you have worked incredibly hard and I am really grateful! I hope that you all have a brilliant holiday and a bit of a rest enjoying some nice activities!!



Thursday 21st May


Nearly the weekend! I hope you had a lovely afternoon in the sun!


A big thank you once again to those who have sent their child profile sheets in! Again if you haven’t yet, please do so to ensure it gets into the year book! Thank you!


I have attached the child profile sheet again below. Please can you fill this in and email it to homelearningy6@stmatthewsceprimary.com

Thank you for your help!


YEAR BOOK ACTIVITY: Fill in the Child Profile sheet and send to school.



MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the activities from the Mathsphere booklet.


READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Again, you don’t have to print this you can just answer the questions in your book.


SPELLING ACTIVITY: Complete relevant spelling activity in spelling booklets or complete the activity put up online. 


PURPLE MASH: Research and think about what happens to our body during exercise. Think in particular about the circulatory system.


What game does Brontosaurus like to play with humans?



Wednesday 20th May


It’s Wednesday! Half way through the week!


Thank you so much for the child profiles that have come in! I still need them all so if anyone is yet to fill it in, please do so! I have had 8 so far! 


I have attached the child profile sheet again below. Please can you fill this in and email it to homelearningy6@stmatthewsceprimary.com

Thank you for your help!


Why can’t a leopard hide?

Because they are always spotted!


YEAR BOOK ACTIVITY: Fill in the Child Profile sheet and send to school.


MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the activities from the Mathsphere booklet.


READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. You don’t have to print this- you can just answer in your book.


PURPLE MASH: Create an information text about organs in the human body.  


Tuesday 19th May


Hello Year 6! Happy Tuesday! I am in the process of sorting out your leavers’ book! Even if things are a little bit strange this year, I want you to have your year book to take away with you! It has been so lovely looking through all of your pictures!


For this to happen, I need your help filling in the Child Profile sheet that I have attached below. Please can you fill this in and email it to homelearningy6@stmatthewsceprimary.com


This information will be going into your year book! How exciting.


Thank you for your help with this!


What did the duck do after reading all of Mrs Hazeldine’s jokes?


He quacked up!


YEAR BOOK ACTIVITY: Fill in the Child Profile sheet and send to school.


MATHS ACTIVITY: Mathsphere activity to be completed in books


GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Fronted Adverbial Activity. Please select the activity that you want to complete- you do not need to do it all. You can also self mark using the answers provided.


PURPLE MASH: Label parts of the digestive system activity.


Monday 18th May


Hi Guys! I hope you had a great weekend! It certainly went fast! Another week of work ahead!


Why are elephants so wrinkled?


Well have you ever tired to iron one? 


MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete Mathsphere Activity in books.


GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Possessive apostrophe worksheet. Please select the activity that you want to complete- you do not need to do all of the activities! Remember you do not need to print you can answer in your books. You can also self mark using the answers provided.


READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!


TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: x10minutes daily times table practise.


PURPLE MASH:  Labelling the digestive system activity.  

