WB 18.5.20
Friday May 22nd.
Good morning Class 3, 'Happy Friday' and happy weekend.
It's the Whit holiday for the next two weeks so there won't be any work for you to do on your class page - you all deserve a well earned rest! Mrs Ames, Mrs Hopley and I want you to know how incredibly proud we are of you all. You have worked so hard - thank you for all the wonderful work you have completed and your families for their ongoing support. We hope that you all have a lovely time relaxing with your families, and hopefully enjoying lots of sunshine.
We do have a few more activities for you to complete though before the holidays.
Here are today's activities.
We have a very important job for you to do Year 3!
For your writing task we would like you to write your review of your time in Year 3 for your school report.
We would normally do this together at school and enjoy remembering all the wonderful things we have done together, but this time we would like you to do your absolute best, and write it for us at home.
In your ‘Review of the Year’ we would like you to write about all the fantastic things you have enjoyed in Year 3. You might like to write about all the new things you have learned, the different lessons you have enjoyed and all the other wonderful learning opportunities like Gospel Singing with Mel, our Stone Age class assembly, our trip to the Pyramid Centre and Warrington Museum, science experiments, PE with Dave, rugby, Year 3 Sports Festival, your Stonehenge models and other Home Learning topics. There are many, many more wonderful memories, what can you think of? What have you enjoyed doing in Class 3?
You can also include your achievements, what you think you have really improved on and what you are most proud of. There is also space for you to write about something that you think you could be even better at and have as your own personal target for next year.
We would like you to do your absolute BEST writing so neat, cursive handwriting and careful use of capital letters and punctuation please. All of this should be done in a good quality, sharp writing pencil please.
You can print off the template below and write directly on to that or if you need to, we will have blank copies available to collect from school tomorrow.
Once it is completed, please can you return it to school by Friday 12th June.
You can do this by scanning or taking a photograph of your work and emailing it to school.
Posting it to our school address.
Delivering it by hand in to the ‘Red Postbox’ which will be outside, at the front of school from Monday 8th June.
It's 'Times Tables Friday' Class 3. I've included a booklet for you today. You can either do one of the activities and write the answers in your book or you might want to print it out and make it into a book that you can work through. It's up to you.
Please read one of your Active Learn books or a book of your choice. Remember to record the books you are reading and use the links on the class page if you have completed all your Active Learn books.
Please remember to go over your times tables Class 3.
We hope you enjoy today's activities and we really look forward to seeing your report comments. Have fun!
Have a lovely Whit holiday Class 3, stay safe and enjoy being with your families.
Mrs Williams, Mrs Ames and Mrs Hopley x
Thursday May 21st.
Good morning Class 3. Happy Thursday! We hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and managed to get out in the gorgeous sunshine.
Here are today's activities.
Here are some subtraction word problems for you to do. Read the questions carefully and don't forget to set your sums out neatly so that the hundred, tens and ones are positioned correctly, just like they were in the work you did on Monday and Tuesday.
Your grammar activity is on your 2do list on Purple Mash Class 3. Please take your time and read the paragraphs carefully before you decide where to insert the missing words. Don't rush it and please don't worry about your score, I'd rather you took your time during this game - it can be a little tricky! It's called Alien Time.
Please continue to read your Active Learn books or a book of your choice from home Class 3. Remember to check the links that are available to you on the class page.
Please continue to go over your times tables every day Class 3.
Enjoy the work we've set, then enjoy the sun!
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Good morning Class 3
We are halfway through another week and it is set to be a beautiful day! So, make sure you put your suncream on and enjoy the wonderful weather.
But first, here are your activities:
Create your own e-safety quiz with 5-10 questions to ask someone at home.
You can write the questions in your workbook, create a quiz in PowerPoint or you could even use the 2Quiz app on Purple Mash!
You can use True/False questions, multiple choice or even specific questions with just one answer. Try to use the information you have learned from the last few activities you've done on e-safety.
Your maths work today is on your 2do list on Purple Mash Class 3. I've given you three subtraction games to play but you have all week to complete them. Have fun and don't worry about scoring a good time- concentrate on working out the answers correctly.
We are going to continue with time conjunctions. Please complete the activity below in your book. You don't need to print this work.
Please read every day Class 3. Read your Active Learn books or a book of your choice. Remember to record the books you are reading.
Please remember to keep going over your times tables Class 3.
Tuesday May 19th.
Good morning Class 3.
I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's activities and enjoyed finding out about Colonel Tom Moore.
Here are today's activities.
I've set you an activity to complete about recycling this week. We did lots and lots of work about looking after our planet, global warming, recycling and learning about Greta Thunberg before school closed. I'd like you to produce a poster that will convince the reader to recycle their rubbish. You will find this activity on your 2do list.
We are going to carry on with our subtraction work today. I hope everyone enjoyed yesterday's work - I'm sure you quickly got the hang of it.
We are just going to consolidate learning today. Choose one of the activities below. You don't need to print this work. If you want an extra challenge you can complete the next activity in the pack.
We are going to looking at Time Conjunctions today. Conjunctions are used to join ideas in a sentence.
Look at the Power Point which will help explain what time conjunctions are and when to use them. When you have worked through the Power Point complete the activity below. Please choose the activity you think will challenge you. You don't need to print this work.
Please read one of your Active Learn books. If you have completed all the books set then please read a book from home or follow the links on the class page to discover all the other books available to you.
Please remember to go over your times tables every day. Keep practising Class 3!
Monday 18th May 2020
Good morning Class 3 and wishing you all a very happy Monday
We hope you have all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some of the sun when it has made an appearance!
So it is the start of another week, which means it's time for an emoji code breaker to get our brains back in learning mode:
Don't forget, if you want to set your own emoji code breaker for the class, do email it over (as a PDF please - otherwise the format changes )
Here are your activities for today:
Today we are looking at more words from the Year 3/4 Statutory spelling list. These are once again words that don't necessarily follow a spelling pattern, so we just have to learn them! Hopefully the PowerPoint below will help you. Open it in presentation mode so you can play the game.
Then go to Purple Mash to complete the spelling quiz.
Finally, write each word in a sentence in your workbook.
I've also included a word search below if you'd like some extra revision (but totally optional!)
The words are:
address, busy, business, heart, fruit, breathe, strange, complete, extreme, forwards
We are going to revise subtraction with regrouping (borrowing) this week Class 3. I've attached a PowerPoint to remind you how to complete the work. I'm sure that once you get started you'll get the hang of it straight away!
I've included some subtractions without regrouping if you want to do those first, just to get used to subtracting again.
Now choose one of the challenges below.
You don't need to print this work, just complete the sums in your book.
Please read the comprehension below and answer the questions carefully.
Choose the comprehension you think will challenge you.
You don't need to print this work. Remember to number the questions if you decide to complete this work in your book.
Please make sure that you read every day Class 3. Please read one of your Active Learn books unless you have completed them all. Remember to record any of the books you read from home and remember the other links available to you on the class page.
Please continue to go over your times tables every day. I can see that some of you haven't been on Rock Stars for a while - remember that this is an excellent way for you to practise.
Have a good day Class 3.