WB 18.5.20
Friday 22nd May 2020
Good morning Year 1 and your families!
How are you all doing today? It's nearly the weekend... and nearly our Whit holiday!
We have been absolutely delighted to see your work using 2create to make booklets about nouns.
Your illustrations are fantastic! Thank you for working so hard!
So here are you final activities for the week... work hard and then...
have a wonderful Whit holiday and stay safe and well. Enjoy a well-earned rest!
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow
We have a very important job for you to do Year 1!
For your writing task, we would like you to write your review of your time in Year 1 for your school report.
We would normally do this together at school and enjoy remembering all the wonderful things we have done together, but this time we would like you to do your absolute best writing for us at home.
In your ‘Review of the Year’ we would like you to write about some of the fantastic things you have enjoyed in Year 1. You might like to write about all the new things you have learned, the different lessons you have enjoyed and all the other wonderful learning opportunities like our trip to Tatton Park, our amazing class assemblies, our science experiments, PE with Dave, history and geography topics, books we've read together and learning new songs and playing our musical instruments. There are many, many more wonderful memories. What can you think of? Have a look back at our class page for some reminders! Maybe you could include your three or four favourite things and then write two or three sentences about each one?
You can also include your achievements, what you think you have really improved on and what you are most proud of. There is also space for you to write about something that you think you could be even better at and have as your own personal target for next year.
We would like you to do your absolute BEST writing so beautiful, cursive handwriting, clear finger spaces between words, careful use of capital letters and punctuation. All of this should be done in a good quality, sharp writing pencil please.
You can print off the template below and write directly on to that or if you need to, we will have blank copies available to collect from school today. Once it is completed, please can you return it to school by Friday 12th June.
You can do this by scanning or taking a photograph of your work and emailing it to school.
Posting it to our school address.
Delivering it by hand in to the ‘Red Postbox’ which will be outside, at the front of school from Monday 8th June.
We hope you enjoy reminiscing! That means enjoying thinking about past events!
Today we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer.
Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...
We would like you to have some fun with money today.
Please set up your own shop selling items.
You can choose whatever you would like to sell! Then label all of your items with prices - don't forget to use the pence sign! You might even have things that cost £1 or more - ask your parents to help you label these!
Then use real coins to buy and sell the items.
Can you add up the cost of two or more items? Can you give the correct change, if needed?
Here are some other activities to complete if you would like too...
Finally, make sure that today you set some time aside to read one of your Active Learn reading books. Don't forget there are questions there too to make sure you've understood the book. Do this for at least 15 minutes daily.
You could read your own real books as well if you want to! It's a great thing to do just before you go to bed!
We are very impressed that you are enjoying lots of reading on Active Learn
(as well as your own real books at home) - Well done!
We are monitoring the use of Active Learn daily and updating book allocations regularly.
We have noticed that some children have several books 'open' but not 'completed'.
In order to complete a book, you have to complete all of the comprehension questions within the text. These are found by clicking on the small green bug icon - they appear on occasional pages. Once you have completed the question/s correctly, the bug will 'Go to sleep'.
You can then complete the book, 'Close It' and then 'Rate It' with a smiley, 'o.k' or sad face.
We will then continue to allocate new books as you complete your books and they move into your 'Library'.
We thought it would help to explain this to you, as some parents have been wondering why their child hasn't had any new books this week.
Keep enjoying the wonderful world of books! xx
Thursday 21st May, 2020
Dear Class 1. Good morning!
Hope you had a lovely day yesterday and managed to enjoy the glorious sunshine!
Wow! What a hot day! Long may it continue!
Thank you for all the work you completed yesterday. It is great to see that you are doing so well with your grammar quizzes, and you are learning a lot about money and coins too. There is more to come today!
It is great to see even more creative ways to learn your times tables! I am including some times tables activities below on the 2 x table for you to get some practice . You will get used to Times Tables Rockstars eventually but these activities are a fun way to get used to your times tables without a timer. They can be completed in your own time whenever you want to practise.
Have a great day and keep working hard. It's almost the Whit holidays!
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow
First again today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer.
Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...
Today we are learning more about coins and money. Begin by watching the Youtube clip to remind you about the names of the different coins. Then there are two money activities for you to complete: one is all about putting coins in order of their values and the second one is all about working out what different ice creams cost. Yum!
I have included some activities for practising your two times tables too. You can complete these whenever you want a bit of extra practice.
Activity 1: Ordering coins
Activity 2: How much do these ice creams cost?
Fun way to learn your 2 x table
Fun way to learn your 2 x table
Fun way to learn your 2 x table
Fun way to learn your 2 x table
Today on your to dos you will find a 2Create book ready for you to turn into a noun book. I would like you to write a different noun on each page and then draw a picture above it. e.g. cat and then draw a cat. Remember a noun is a naming word.
Finally, make sure that today you set some time aside to read one of your Active Learn reading books. Don't forget there are questions there too to make sure you've understood the book. Do this for at least 15 minutes daily.
You could read your own real books as well if you want to! It's a great thing to do just before you go to bed!
We are very impressed that you are enjoying lots of reading on Active Learn
(as well as your own real books at home) - Well done!
We are monitoring the use of Active Learn daily and updating book allocations regularly.
We have noticed that some children have several books 'open' but not 'completed'.
In order to complete a book, you have to complete all of the comprehension questions within the text. These are found by clicking on the small green bug icon - they appear on occasional pages. Once you have completed the question/s correctly, the bug will 'Go to sleep'.
You can then complete the book, 'Close It' and then 'Rate It' with a smiley, 'o.k' or sad face.
We will then continue to allocate new books as you complete your books and they move into your 'Library'.
We thought it would help to explain this to you, as some parents have been wondering why their child hasn't had any new books this week.
Keep enjoying the wonderful world of books! xx
Wednesday 20th May, 2020
Good morning Class 1.
We hope you had a lovely day yesterday. The sun is starting to warm up!
Hopefully just in time for the Whit holidays.
Thank you to your parents for all their support with the home learning over the last few weeks. We appreciate it very much (we know how hard it is too!) When we set the work, it would be lovely if we could be there to support you, but as we can't for now, then any support you get at home is amazing! We try to make the lessons as clear as possible and try to include lots of Youtube clips and games too to make lessons as interesting as possible.
Thank you for the positive feedback in your emails. It means a lot to us, as we want to make this as easy for you as possible. And please don't worry if things aren't going quite to plan! For example, if you are doing times tables in your own way or if you are using different activities to support each lesson. Anything you do is helpful. The Times Tables Rockstars does take a while to get used to and you will get there in the end! Remember, times tables are just patterns going up in jumps, like jumping in 2s, 5s or 10s.
Here is today's work...we are halfway to Friday and then you can have a well-earned break! (Keep reading!)
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow
First again today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer.
Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...
There are three activities about money in your to dos. If you finish quickly, then make sure you have finished any maths work from this week so far. Also, have a go of the games below:
Create your own e-safety quiz with 5 - 10 questions to ask someone at home. Write the questions in your homework books. You could include true/false questions, multiple choice questions or just questions that need an answer. You could include pictures too. Try to use the information you have learned from the last few activities you've done on e-safety.
Here is the next grammar quiz! Good luck and try your best. You can either print out the sheets or work in your books from the computer.
Tuesday 19th May, 2020
Good morning Class 1! How are you all today?
We hope you are all well and that you enjoyed the work yesterday. The weather is still a bit mixed but it is supposed to be warm and sunny on Wednesday, so fingers crossed.
It is great to see all the work that you are doing. Don't forget that it is still really important to read daily. As well as Active Learn, don't forget how important reading real books is too! Reading helps you with EVERYTHING! It helps you to understand the reading you need for every subject and it also helps you to learn how to spell and write too. If you've read an amazing book recently and you would like to recommend it, then you could let us know and we could post it on our 'Work from Home' page.
Also, we've noticed that about half of you are going on Times Tables Rockstars regularly which is brilliant. It would be great if we could get all of you using it regularly by the end of Year 1. Times tables are so useful for maths and you will need them more and more as you move through St Matthew's. We will include some times tables activities this week to help you get better, but don't forget Rockstars too! Come on Class 1! Let's really crack our 2s, 5s and 10 times tables!
Have a great day!
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow
First again today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer.
Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...
This week we will be looking at coins and money. Yesterday you learned what each coin looks like. Today you will be learning how to add coins together. You need to go through the Powerpoint 'How Much Money Is In My Piggy Bank?' first. After that, there are some worksheets to help you to practise adding together amounts of money. The sheets get harder so just do what you can.
If you didn't finish the sheets yesterday, then you may want to finish those too. I will put a link to a times tables game below if you want to have a quick practise. I really recommend 'Daily 10'. You can choose which times tables to practise and you can choose the time it gives you to answer the questions too.
This week I would like you to complete the activity about how animals move. It is in your to dos. See if you can include some adjectives again too.
Today, I would like you to learn more about nouns. Choose a book - either a real one or one from Active Learn. Then I would like you to find as many nouns as you can. You might want to read the Powerpoint again from yesterday first. You need to group the nouns into person (like girl), place (like field) and thing (like table).
Also, finish any unfinished noun work from yesterday.
Use this sheet to group your nouns
Monday 18th May, 2020
Good morning Class 1. We hope you've had a lovely weekend and that you've managed to have some fun and a rest too! We've got a few things to say to you before we start today's work. First of all, if you didn't see our message on Friday, here it is again:
Thank you to our lovely, lovely children in Class 1! We all loved your video messages. They made us all cry. We are missing you all too and even more now! You all look like you’ve grown and you sounded so grown-up. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Until then, stay safe and take good care of yourselves. Love to all your families too.
Secondly, a big thank you for the wonderful work you are sending in. We are really enjoying thinking about the work that we give to you, and it is lovely when we see the amazing results! We especially liked your adjective work last week, including your Purple Mash work describing lions and your writing describing different places. We are very proud of your efforts!
Next, we would just like to thank William once again for raising money for the NHS. The reason we are mentioning it again is that it was a lovely surprise for us to see him in the Warrington Guardian! You are famous Will! If you haven't seen the article, there is a link below:
Finally, here is today's work. Try your best and have a great day!
Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow
First again today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer.
Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...
This week we will be looking at coins and money. Your first activity today is to play a game on the Powerpoint which is all about recognising different coins. Once you have done this, there are three activities about types of coins. Do as much as you can today and you can finish them tomorrow if you run out of time.
Activity 2
Activity 3
This week we are looking at nouns which are naming words. Have a look at the Powerpoint first, and then complete the activities which are all about hunting for nouns. Enjoy!
You need these for the hunt. You can just put them up on your screen to save printing out!
Next, your spelling activity today is on Purple Mash in your to dos. Today your spellings are words that are split into syllables or parts. Use the sheet below to practise the spellings first.