WB 15.6.20
19th June 2020 Fabulous Friday
Hi everybody, it's Friday!!
Another week almost gone. I hope that you have had a great week so far. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I feel so lucky to have you all in my class. You have been brilliant throughout this time at home. Thank you.
Please make sure you look at the sharing page on Purple Mash, it is full of your fabulous work, as is the home learning page on this class page. We obviously have lots of talented artists.
I hope you all managed to watch the Duchess of Cornwall and listen to her assembly. It is well worth a look if you haven't seen it. She was talking about kindness and discussing all the kind acts that children and adults have made during the lockdown. I am sure that you have lots of examples that you can talk about when we get back.
Have a lovely weekend and make sure you have a rest. Enjoy Father's Day if you are celebrating it!
Take care,
Mrs Smith X
Daily Smile
Where would you find an elephant?
The same place that you left her!
Writing task
Watch the video about coastal erosion and Read the information. Imagine that you are visiting a beach and you see how coastal erosion has changed the landscape, write a postcard home to a friend, explaining what you have seen and what has happened to the coastline. Remember to use a false address. You will find more information on the link below as well, thank you to Andrew!
The first lesson in our new topic, ‘Islam Concept.’
A Muslim is someone who believes in one god called Allah who can be described using many names.
We will begin by looking at the Qur’an, a sacred book important to the Muslim faith. Muslim’s treat the Qur’an as Christians treat the Bible, with respect.
Watch the video that explains the origin of the Qur’an. Take down facts about the Qu’ran as you watch the video. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02mwjsw
Write the facts into your book.
Maths task
‘Ordering Decimals.’
Read through the slides from slide 19 completing any worksheets as you find them into your books.
Active Learn book or your own book x15mins
Times tables worksheets from pack x15 minutes
18th June 2020
Dear Year 4,
I hope that you are well and happy. I am very impressed by your leaflets, they are marvellous. I hope that you have all managed to look at each others wonderful work.
Please don't forget to complete your review of the year sheet and send or post it back to school.
I have included a link to a special assembly which the Duchess of Cambridge is doing today, I am sure it will be worth a viewing.
Take care and stay happy.
Mrs Smith X
What do you call a dog magician?
A labracadabrador!
‘Read my picture,’ challenge. Read through the ppt answering the questions into your books.
Maths task
‘Ordering Decimals.’
Read through the slides up to slide 18 completing any worksheets as you find them into your books.
Active Learn Reading and answering questions x15 minutes, or read your own book.
TT Rockstars x15 minutes practise
The Duchess of Cambridge assembly
Wonderful Wednesday 17th June 2020
Good morning my super class 4,
The week is passing very quickly and it will soon be the weekend again! I know it seems a long time since we were together as a class, but slowly and surely life looks like it is getting back to normal in the outside world. Keep thinking positive thoughts and before you know it, we will all be back at school and you will be wishing you were back at home again!
I hope that you are looking forward to Year 5, you are all going to be amazing! Please remember that I am very proud of how you have managed to complete all the tasks at home, that shows me how keen you are to do well.
We are getting through lots of work online and it will definitely help you to prepare for September.
Keep smiling and stay safe.
Mrs Smith X
Daily smile
Why did the pupil take a ladder to school?
Because he wanted to go to high school!
‘Fix the sentence,’ challenge. Read through the PPT answering as you go. Write the correct sentences into your books.
‘Halves, quarters and three quarters.’ Read through the slides answering as you go. Complete slide 17 into your books.
Internet safety, ’Privacy worksheet.’ Write your answers into your books if you can’t print.
Active Learn book or your own book x15 minutes
TT Rockstars x10 minutes practise
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Happy Tuesday everybody!
Thank you for all the work that you completed yesterday. It is good to see that you are already visiting Rockstars and Active Learn. Only four class members haven't yet logged on so far this week and it's only Tuesday. That really is great news.
I hope you enjoyed the voice messages!
Take care and have a great day,
Mrs Smith X
Daily Smile
What do you call two birds in love?
Paint a picture based on your River project. Try to add reflections from the river bank in your river. You can do it online using the 2Do or do it straight onto paper using pencils, pastels or paint. If your feeling very adventurous, you could do a collage.
Purple Mash Spellings
Assessment SP1 WK6 Day 4 Keep going with the spellings, you are all doing well.
Maths Task
Place Value and Decimals.’
Continue from slide 44, answering the questions as you go then complete slide 59 into your books. Remember that if you divide by 100 you move the numbers two places to the right, the number gets smaller and if you multiply by 100, you move the number two places to the left, the number gets bigger.
Active Learn x15 minutes
TT Rockstars
15 mins practise.
Monday 15th June 2020
Good morning my lovely year 4!
Well, last week was very strange being in our classroom without you. It made me miss you even more, but I know that you are all doing really well and keeping busy which is important.
I have put some messages on Purple Mash for you to listen to if you would like to. If you have a green arrow it means that there is a recorded message. I have to say, it felt nice to be able to talk to you. The recordings are a little jumpy, so apologies, I did try re-recording the messages but it still wanted to miss out an occasional word! Still you should still be able to understand what I have said.
I'm back in school now until the end of term working with the key worker group of children but I will still look at your work, you will not be forgotten, I promise.
Over the next few weeks, I will continue to move forward with the maths curriculum and set revision spellings and grammar challenges. Please try your best to complete as much as possible.
I hope you all have a super week, I miss you and I hope to see you soon.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Smith X
Daily Smile
Why can't Elsa from Frozen have a balloon?
Because she will, 'let it go, let it go!'
Purple Mash Spellings.
Assessment SP1 WK6 Day .
Grammar task.
Complete the ‘Grammar and Punctuation’ Challenge. Read through the PPT answering as you go.
‘Place Value and Decimals.’ Read through the slides up to slide 42, answering the questions as you go. Remember to click on the button to see the answer. Complete slide 43 into your books.
Active Learn
Read an online book or one of your own books. X15 minutes.
TT Rockstars x10 minutes practise