WB 15.6.20
Friday 19th June 2020
Good Morning Year 2!
I hope you are all well
It's finally the weekend! Hopefully we will get a little bit of sunshine over the next couple of days! It's been very wet and miserable this week! I hope you have all enjoyed this week's home learning tasks - don't forget about our class blog on Purple Mash!
Have a great weekend everyone and keep safe,
Miss Hill
WRITING: Write a non-chronological report about Dinosaurs. Use the checklist below and the subheadings to help you…
Title: Dinosaurs
Make sure you separate your report into paragraphs:
- Introduction
- Choose a dinosaur and write a paragraph about your favourite dinosaur – you may also want to do some additional research to help!
- Fossils – what are fossils? How are they formed? (I have included some extra information below to help you)
- Conclusion – summarise your report (E.g. I hope you have learnt lots about Dinosaurs and enjoyed reading my report)
MATHS: Symmetry
*For this activity you will either need to be able to print the worksheet out or have square paper which you can use to copy/draw out the shapes (I have tried to think of an alternative way to do this task without square paper/printing but you would need the squares for accuracy and it is one of the areas of maths not yet covered in our home learning)
If you aren't able to do the task above then there is a task below 'describing movement' which can be done instead of or as well as....
EXTENSION: Recap – Describing Movement
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Thursday 18th June 2020
Hello everyone! How are you?
I have included an RE task in today’s home learning and will set a new RE task weekly – you don’t have to finish this today, but at some point over the next week see if you are able to give it a go J I have broken the tasks down into smaller chunks to make it a little easier so we shall work on this bit by bit over the next couple of weeks.
Have a super day,
Miss Hill
Firstly, I'd like you to have a little look at the link below. Today, the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’. I have included the link below that you will need! A recording of the assembly will be available to view on the Oak National Academy website following the event
PURPLE MASH: Grammar - Using commas to separate items in a list.
MATHS: 3D Shapes - Complete the table below. Draw and label different real life objects that match the different 3D Shapes. Use the ‘real life object’ cards to give you some ideas.
ENGLISH: Commas in a list (either print the worksheet below or copy and complete the sentences in your exercise books).
RE: Christianity
Concept: Holy Spirit - How did the Holy Spirit change the disciples after the Day of Pentecost?
Look at the four pictures below:
What is the one thing all of these pictures need? They all need wind.
Discuss: What does the wind do in each picture? Perhaps it creates movement or gives energy.
Can you draw some pictures of different things that need wind and label them. You can use some of my examples or think of some of your own.
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Good Morning Y2! How are you all?
Thank you for your excellent Purple Mash work yesterday on Rainforest Habitats! I have replied to your work with a voice recording so hopefully you will be able to listen back to them
If you haven't yet posted on our class blog, I'd love to hear from you!
Have a super day everyone,
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: Maths - Choose six 3D shapes and describe their properties. Complete the poster on Purple Mash which has been set as a 2do activity. Use the information from yesterday to help you – don’t forget to use the correct vocabulary; vertices, edges, faces etc…)
ENGLISH: Choose from one of the reading books below. Open the book on the Collins Connect website (the login information is below) and complete the related activity for your chosen story!
GREEN: What’s that building? (turquoise)
AMBER: Escape from the Treasure Island (gold)
RED: The Monster Under the Bed (lime)
To log in to Collins Connect:
Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk
Password: Parents20!
E-SAFETY: Explore the KEEP SAFE link on the school website. Create a quiz or ask a grown up to test you on what you have read!
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Good morning all! I have posted my very first message to our class blog on Purple Mash so if you get chance, pop me a comment back so I can reply to you!
Have a great day everyone!
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: Science – Habitats - Research rainforest habitats and write down your findings.
Use the link below to find out about different animal habitats.
Here are some additional resources to help you:
MATHS: Properties of 3D Shapes – complete the table with the correct properties. Use the videos below to help you!
ENGLISH: How to grow a sunflower – Reading Comprehension (GREEN/AMBER/RED)
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.
Monday 15th June 2020
Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a super weekend!
Thank you for your continued efforts with the home learning - you are all doing such a wonderful job! It is still very strange here in school without you here and I miss you all very much! Below are your home learning activities for today - I hope you enjoy them!
Have a lovely day,
Miss Hill
Also a reminder to please submit your child review for your end of year report if you haven't yet completed this, thank you!
We have added some new links to the 'Class Pages' section of the website so keep checking these for updates!
PURPLE MASH: Spelling Quiz - Words ending in -il
1. pencil
2. fossil
3. nostril
4. pupil
5. April
6. gerbil
7. lentil
8. stencil
9. utensil
10. basil
Choose one of the spelling activities below:
- Pyramid write your spelling words in your exercise book.
- Practise writing your spelling words in your neatest handwriting.
- Make a wordsearch with your spelling words.
MATHS: Properties of 2D Shapes
This week in maths we will be learning all about 2D and 3D shapes as well as symmetry. This link below may be useful as its has lots of helpful videos that you can access and use throughout this week:
Task 2 – Drawing 2D Shapes - Following on from our work on measurement last week and using a ruler, draw the shapes below in your exercise books:
1. Rectangle 5cm by 3cm
2. Square 4cm by 4cm
3. Rectange 2cm by 6cm
1. Rectangle 4.5cm by 5.5cm
2. Square 3.5cm by 3.5cm
3. Rectangle 5.5cm by 2.5cm
ENGLISH: Diary of a Knight – Reading Comprehension (choose the level of difficulty below GREEN/AMBER/RED)
ACTIVE LEARN: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TT ROCKSTARS: x15mins practise each day.