WB 13.7.20
Friday 17th July 2020
Good Morning! I can't believe we have reached the end of our final full week! I'm still incredibly sad that we won't all be able to be together one last time but I know that you're working incredibly hard at home (or in school) and I'm so proud of you all!
Have a great day and a lovely weekend,
Miss Hill
WRITING: Write a letter to your new teacher – what are you looking forward to learning about in Year 3? Are you excited to be in the juniors?
Tell her a little bit about yourself – what you like/dislike, your favourite food, favourite hobby etc…
MATHS: Time Revision
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Thursday 16th July 2020
PURPLE MASH: Grammar - How the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a statement, question, exclamation or command.
MATHS: Statistics Revision
RE: Life of the Patriarch: Joseph, Genesis Ch.37:12 to 47:12
Tell the rest of the story of Joseph in selected chunks (see below). After each part, ask questions to aid understanding.
Adults & Children: Explore the story in chunks as follows:
1. His brothers' treatment of him & selling him into slavery. (Genesis 37:12-36).
E.g. should the brothers have sold Joseph?
2. Imprisonment in Egypt (Genesis 39) - the cupbearer & the baker’s dreams.
Discuss: Does this part of the story teach the Jews anything about God? Why is Joseph remembered by Jews as an example of how to live?
3. Promotion to prime minister, (Genesis 41) & life in the court of Pharaoh.
4. Reconciliation with his family (Genesis 42). Discuss: Does this part of the story teach the Jews anything about God? Discuss: Why is Joseph remembered by Jews as an example of how to live?
Children: Build up a timeline of Joseph’s life done in pictures as each chapter is told – can you create a timeline of events as told in the story?
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Wednesday 15th July 2020
PURPLE MASH: Time - Choose 6 clocks and write the time and what happens at these times of the day.
E-SAFETY: SMART Poster – Read the SMART poster. Focus on the letter R and create a poster to show that you understand what it means. You may want to do your poster on paper or you could use Purple Mash tools to create a poster on the computer.
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Tuesday 14th July 2020
PURPLE MASH: Rangoli Symmetry - Create a colourful rangoli pattern.
MATHS: Division Revision
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.
Monday 13th July 2020
Good Morning Class 2!
I hope you are all well and enjoyed your weekend!
It was lovely to have the sunshine back after all of the rain we have had! I am very excited to see some of you again in school today! Whether you are at home or in school, please know how very proud I am of each and every one of you for all of the wonderful work you have completed!
You received your reports last week with details of class teachers for next year - your Y3 teacher Miss Stubbs has made a little video for you... I have posted the link below so please take a look!
Have a great day everyone! Can you believe this is the last full week we have before summer?!
Take care,
Miss Hill
PURPLE MASH: Consolidating this half term’s spellings
1. city
2. any
3. bridge
4. pupil
5. brother
6. money
7. nostril
8. fudge
9. fancy
10. clothes
READING: x1 reading book (15mins daily reading)
TIMES TABLES: x15mins practise each day.