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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 13.7.20

Friday 17th July 2020

Well it's Friday!!

Hello everybody, here we are at the end of the week, wow that went by so quickly. It has been so lovely to see you all again this week, such a treat. Thank you for all your hard work at school and at home, I am sure it will make a difference to your time in year 5. 

Mrs Johnston has told me that she is really looking forward to having you all next year and that she has some great activities for you to do and nothing to worry about.

It will be strange to see you go into year 5 but I know that you are all ready for the next step.

Have a super day and a fun weekend.

Mrs Smith XX


Daily Smile

Why did the cookie go to hospital?

Because he felt crummy!


Purple Mash Spellings. Remember to look at the help sheetsmiley

SU1 Wk3


Writing Task

To be completed by 21st July. The Trojan War diary extract. Imagine you had been part of the Trojan war. What might you have seen, heard and done? Remember to look at the checklist to make sure your diary is written correctly and re-read the ppt from Tuesday.


Maths task

Comparing time. Select the level of worksheet you would like to complete.



Active Learn book or your own book x15mins


Times tables worksheets from pack x15 minutes


16th July 2020 Thursday


Good morning everybody,

Well in a weeks time you will be sitting down ready to do your last day of work before the Summer holidays begin. I am sure that you are all waiting impatiently for that day! Having seen some of you these last few days, I can see that you are feeling tired, not surprisingly as you have been working very hard. I hope that you are mamnaging to grasp the Time topic in Maths.

You impress me everyday with the work that you are producing. Try to keep going just a little bit longersmiley

Have a great day and take care,

Mrs Smith XX


Daily smile (Not many more now you will be glad to know!)

What falls in Winter but doesn't get hurt?




Complete SPAG Mat SU2 mat 2



Look at a puja set; a set of objects used in daily Hindu worship. Use google images. Identify items used in Puja eg bell, water in a pot, spoon, flowers, a small murti/picture of a god eg Ganesh, a small lamp; food offerings, incense.

Draw and label the items into your books. Explain what each item represents.

Make notes about the Hindu Gods.



Time Analogue, digital and the 12-hour clock. Lots of new learning so please just try your best. Read the ppt carefully and answer the questions into your books.



Active Learn or your own book, 15 mins


TT Rockstars  x15 minutes practise


Wednesday 15th July 2020

Hi everybody,

Well yesterday was the last day in school for some of you which seemed very strange, especially as you left without carrying huge bags of books and work! It definitely feels like Summer is approaching...

Have a great day everybody,

Mrs Smith X


Daily Smile

What do you call a droid that takes the long way around?
R2 detour!


Purple Mash spellings

SU1 Wk 2. Check the help sheet first please.



Complete SPAG Mat SU2 mat 1



Time problems

Have a look at this work and try your best. It is a bit tricky. Make sure you read through the examples first. Complete your work into your books.



Interview a grown up about safety. Use the guide below.



15 minutes today please.

Tuesday 14th July 2020

Good morning year 4,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to another lovely day. Thank you for your work yesterday.

Have a great day, take care,

Mrs Smith X


Daily Smile

Why did the pupil cross the playground?

To get to the other slide!


Project to be completed by 21st July

The Trojan War. Read through the ppt and then choose a writing frame to write a summary of the events.


Purple Mash spellings SU1 Wk 6 Quiz

Look at the help sheet before you begin.



Complete the SPAG Mat SU1 mat 6



Comparing and calculating time.

Read through the ppt and answer the questions into your books.



Active Learn x15 minutes


TT Rockstars

15 mins practise.

13th July 2020 Monday

Good morning to all of you. I hope that you had a lovely weekend full of fun!

Here we go again at the start of another exciting week, or should I say, egg-citing! 

I know that you are working very hard both at home and school so thank you. Not many more days before we will be finished for Summer. Let's hope that the sun is saving himself for then, he hasn't been around too much lately!smiley

Have a great week and take care,

Mrs Smith X


Daily Smile

What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?

That hit the spot!

(Not too many more jokes now you'll be relieved to knowlaugh)



Purple Mash Spellings.

SU 1 Wk 1 Quiz

Look at the help sheet before you begin. Lots of you are still getting high scores. I'm sure your new teacher will be as impressed as I am.



Complete the SPAG mat, SU1 Mat 5 please try to avoid looking at the answers until you have finished.



Time Read through the ppt to remind yourself about the basics of Time. Answer the questions into your books.




Active Learn or Collins Connect

Read an online book or one of your own books. X15 minutes.



TT Rockstars  x10 minutes practise
