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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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WB 13.7.20

                                                Friday July 17th.

Good morning Class 3.smiley Well, it's the end of another week and only a few days before the end of term. You have all worked incredibly hard Class 3 and Mrs Ames, Mrs Hopley and I are very, very proud of you all.


Here are today's activities.


It's TIMES TABLES Friday again!

Choose from the activities below. You can do all of them if you want to!



I'd like you to write a book review today. I know you've been reading lots and lots of books at home, so choose your favourite and tell me all about it. You can choose a fiction or non fiction book.

Use one of the templates below. There are 2 to choose from if you review a fiction book and 1 if you choose a non fiction book.


Fiction book - template.

Non fiction book review - template
I know you love doing word searches Class 3, so here's one about a very famous author.


Please read every day Class 3 and remember to practise your times tables.yes


Have a great day and a lovely weekend.smiley

                                            Thursday July 16th.

Good morning Class 3. We hope you all had a good day yesterday, despite the weather. Have you managed to look at our class blog? Maybe you've already left a message. We loved seeing your work on Purple Mash yesterday. You are all working so hard Class 3 and we are very proud of you.


Here are today's activities.


We are going to do some revision today. You can  write the answers in your book or print the challenges. Read the questions carefully. 


Today's work is on Purple Mash Class 3. What is your ambition? What would you like to be when you are older? Write as much as you can and illustrate your work please. If you prefer, you can do this work in your book.yes



Hindus believe:
1.     'God is invisible but is there in everything.' 
2.    The Hindu idea of god is that there are 3 main Gods (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) = one divine being, (Brahman). 
3.    Each of the 3 has a distinct role, Brahma-creator, Vishnu-preserver or sustainer and Shiva-destroyer. These three individual main Gods together reveal the one God Brahman.  
4.    There is one supreme God called Brahman who is in everything and from whom all life flows.
Write down in your books the four beliefs of Hindu’s above. Find and draw a picture of Brahman. 




Please read every day Class 3. Remember to use the links on our class page if you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Practise your times tables every day please. smiley


Have a great day.

Wednesday July 15th.

Happy Wednesday Class 3! smiley 

We hope you all had a great day yesterday and enjoyed your activities. 

It was lovely to see some of you in school for what will have been your last day in school of year 3 and we look forward to seeing a few more of you tomorrow.

For those of you still working hard at home, it's strange to think that when you next come into school you will be big Year 4 children!


So now, as we think forward to the summer holidays, make sure you check out the class blog on Purple Mash. Our new question for this week is all about summer and the exciting things we are looking forward to doing.

Head on over there to see what your classmates (and Mrs Ames) will be up to over summer and you can add your own message too!



Your maths work today is on Purple Mash. Please check your 2do list Class 3. I've allocated you a times table game and some TIME games to play. Have fun and think carefully about the answer before you move onto the next question.




We are going to complete our Seurat and pointillism work today. We are going to be looking at other artists who were inspired by the work of George Seurat. Read all the slides and look at each painting carefully. 

Complete the grid I've attached for you to fill out. You will have to go back to the slides you need in the Power Point to do this work.yes


Read through the story on the presentation below and then have a go at creating your own e-safety song or rap. We would love to see what you come up with!


Remember to read every day Class 3. Choose a book from home or from one of the links on the class page if you have completed all your Active learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day Class 3. Keep up the great work.


Have a lovely day.smiley

                                         Tuesday July 14th.


Good morning Class 3. I hope you all enjoyed the work we set for you yesterday. Did you learn the rhyme about days of the month? Do you think you'll be able to remember the trick that will remind you how many days there are in every month? I hope so.


Here are today's activities.



I've set you a lovely activity on Purple Mash to complete. It's called ALL ABOUT ME . I thought you could tell Mrs Smith, your Year 4 teacher all about yourselves, your family, pets, hobbies, likes, dislikes ambitions etc. Have fun. Mrs Smith will love seeing your work too.yes



We are going to carry on with the maths work we started yesterday. Use the information about leap years, months of the year etc to help you complete the questions in the activity below.





Look at Seurat's famous painting ' A Sunday on the Grande Jatte' and then complete either sheet 1B or 1C. As an extra challenge you could read the information attached and complete the fact file sheet. Enjoy!


Please read every day Class 3. Remember to read a book from home or from one of the links on the class page if you have completed your Active Learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day.yes


Have a great day !smiley

                                             Monday July 13th


Good morning Class 3. How are you all? We hope you had a lovely weekend.smiley

Well, it's our last full week of work in Year 3. We can't believe it's the end of the summer term and our year together.sad


We're sure that you will all be looking forward to returning to school in September when you will be in Year 4. Mrs Smith, your new teacher, and someone you already know well, has left you all a lovely welcoming message on the class page - just go to the link 'Meet your new teachers.'


We haven't finished yet Class 3, and still have some work to do, so here are your activities today.



We are going to be looking at months of the year in maths this week.

Do you know how many months and days there are in a year? How many days in each month and what a leap year is? 

I'd like you to look at the useful tips I've attached below and complete the activities.

Watch this video to find out about how many days in a year and all about leap years.


What is a Leap Year? | Best Learning Videos For Kids | Thinking Captain

In a standard year, there are 365 days but typically every four years, something different happens and we have another day added.

Follow the instructions to learn how many days in each month during the year just by using your knuckles!


Using your left hand, start at your little finger with January and name the month as you tap each knuckle- including the grooves in between. Once you reach July, skip the thumbs and continue to your right hand or start again on the same hand with August.

Here is a rhyme that will help you remember how many days in each month. I remember learning this rhyme in school when I was your age.
Now try the activities below. You will need a 2020 calendar to help you complete this work. Please open the Power Point and play as a slide show. You can answer the questions in your book.
Here's a copy of the 2020 calendar.


Your spelling pattern for this week is words with silent letters. Take a look at each word and see if you can spot the silent letter.


Here are your spelling words:












Your activity:

Take a look at the PowerPoint below.

Complete the code breaker sheet using your spelling words.

Complete the spelling quiz on Purple Mash.


Don’t forget to use a dictionary to look up any words you are unsure of J


I've found you some lovely comprehensions to complete this week Class 3. A is all about plastics and conservation and B is all about the wildlife on our doorsteps.

There are 3 in each so choose the one that will challenge you. You might want to keep the others to do at a later date, or read them if you have completed your Active Learn books.yes


Choose one of the following reading comprehensions Class 3.

Comprehension B is harder than A.


Remember to read every day Class 3 and read a book of your choose if you have completed all your Active Learn books.



Please practise your times tables every day Class 3. You are doing a great job.yes


Have a great day Class 3.
