WB 13.4.20
Monday 13th April 2020
Good morning Year 4,
Well another week is before us full of eggs-citement! I hope that you all had a lovely peaceful Easter and that you still have some Easter eggs left. This week your work will still have mostly an Easter theme and as last week, you can do as much or as little as you choose. Don't forget you can still use Active Learn to read and Rock Stars to practise your timestables. I have been keeping track of your progress and can see that you are all progressing. Well done.
Thank you all for the amazing work that you are sending in to school and completing online. It really makes me so proud of you and makes me smile. I feel eggs-tatic to think of how you are all trying so hard. Thank you to you and your parents, who I know are working hard too.
As we move on from Easter, I hope it is not too long before we are all together again and I send you and your families my very best wishes. Stay safe and take care year 4.
Mrs Smith x
Monday 13th April
Activity 1
Easter English Book. Have a look and see how many tasks you can complete into your pink books.
Activity 2
Complete the Easter crossword
Activity 3
Make an Easter cone animal.
Tuesday 14th April
Activity 1
Easter Pop Art. Create a pop art style picture based on Warhol or Lichtenstein. I have put a few examples on a document below to give you some ideas.
Activity 2
Simplify fractions. A colouring activity to test your understanding of simplifying fractions. Do you remember you have to make the top (Numerator) and bottom number (Denominator) as small as possible by dividing each number by the same number. Example 2/4 can become 1/2 if you divide by numbers by 2. Take a look at the video if you need more help.
Activity 3
Make an origami Easter carrot.
Wednesday 15th April
Activity 1
Complete the Easter comprehension. Decide which level you would like to do.
Activity 2
Have a go at the Easter mindfulness colouring or design your own.
Activity 3
Complete the Easter puzzle
Thursday 16th April
Activity 1
Have a look through the Easter recipe book and make an Easter themed product.
Activity 2
Make an Easter rabbit using construction toys such as Lego or recycled materials. Have a look at the examples if you need inspiration!
Friday 17th April 2020
Activity 1
Complete the Easter coordinates challenge. Check the video to remind you how to follow the coordinates. Remember to go across first then up!
Activity 2
Have a go at the Purple mash 2Do Easter egg hunt
Activity 3
Visit Purple mash and draw a Simnel Cake. Find out why there are 11 balls of marzipan placed on top.
Now the last of my Easter jokes, I promise! Hope you have enjoyed them!
What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
Bugs Bunny!
How does Easter bunny stay fit?