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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 13.4.20

Good morning Class 3.

We hope you had a lovely Easter weekend and managed to talk and keep in touch with your family and friends.

We hope you had Easter egg hunts, fun and LOTS of chocolate! smiley


Thank you for all the amazing work that you are sending in to school and completing online. We are very proud of you all. 

Remember the Easter competition as well. Have you seen the wonderful work that has been sent in? Judah, Jaya, Jessica W, Alice, Alex, Freddie and Mrs Ames have already entered! smiley You can find all the entries under News and Events.


Here are your activities this week. You can do as much or as little as you like.

Remember to read a book from your Active Learn book list or a book of your own choice from home every day. Don't forget your Times Tables Rock Stars too !


We have attached some Easter activity booklets for you this week. Choose a few pages to complete each day. Have fun!


Monday 13th April

Easter Maths Activities.


Easter Activity Booklet. Choose 2 pages a day to complete.
Write a book review. You will find this activity on your Purple Mash 2do list. We know how much you love reading Class 3, choose your favourite book and tell us all about it! 

Tuesday 14th April

Complete 2 pages from your Maths Booklet.

Complete 2 pages from your Easter Activity Booklet.


Here's a multiplication challenge for you. It might take you a few days so keep at it!

Wednesday 15th April

Complete 2 pages from your Maths Booklet.

Complete 2 pages from your Easter Activity Booklet.


Purple Mash.

Have a go at creating your own story using pictures and words. Maybe you would like to re-tell a story you already know, or perhaps you'd like to think of your own.

This activity is on your 2do list.

Thursday 16th April.

Continue with your Easter Activity Booklets.

Here are some Easter colouring pages you might like to do.

Friday 17th April

Continue with your Easter Activity Booklets.


Write a recipe. How to make bronze. This is an activity set on your Purple Mash 2do list. Use the information from previous learning and the information on your Purple Mash page. 


We hope you have a good week and enjoy the activities we have set for you.

We miss you all.


Mrs Williams, Mrs Ames and Mrs Hopley
