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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 13.4.20

Good morning Class 1!

We hope you are all very well and have enjoyed a lovely Easter break so far...

Did the Easter Bunny visit you? heart    Have you eaten lots of chocolate?surprise surprise

We are continuing with our choice of activities this week - you are going to be given a choice of three activities each day that you may wish to complete. 

As well as this, remember you can still access Active Learn, Purplemash and Times Table Rockstars if you are able to.

I have also attached a link to a website which has 100 indoor activities for kids for you to have a look at!


(There is no expectation to complete the activities suggested for each day -

we have given you a choice of different things that you might like to try.)


Also, don't forget to send in any entries for the St. Matt's Easter Competition by Tuesday!

Please keep in touch with us via the school office email - we really do love seeing all the wonderful activities you have been enjoying! yeslaugh



Have a wonderful week and stay safe.

Mrs Darnton, Mrs Craddock and Mrs Stow xxx

Monday 13th April 2020


Activity 1 - Can you have a go at this 'Easter Egg Hunt Problem Solving Mystery'? - You could get all of your family involved in this one!


Activity 2 - Why not try some of these delicious Easter recipes - I hope you have the ingredients!


Activity 3 - Log on to 'Go Noodle' and have a wonderful time dancing to 'Can't Stop The Feeling'. 

Trolls: Can't Stop The Feeling | GoNoodle

Get that sunshine in your pocket and that good soul in your feet as you dance, dance, dance along with the Trolls to this awesome JT song! Create a free acco...

Tuesday 14th April 2020


Activity 1 - Have a go at decorating these 'Superhero Easter Eggs' or even design your own and then try the 'Easter Dot-to-Dots'.


Activity 2 - Why not get creative and make some of your own 'Easter Bunting'...


Activity 3 - Have great fun playing this 'Snakes & Ladders' game - NO CHEATING!winksurprise 

Wednesday 15th April 2020


Activity 1 - See what you have remembered from our science work - have a look through this 'Animals including Humans Booklet'.


Activity 2 - Enjoy some peace and tranquillity as you do your neatest colouring with these 'Spring Mindfulness Drawings'.


Activity 3 - Can you complete this 'Spring Wordsearch'?


Thursday 16th April 2020


Activity 1 - Can you complete this 'Easter Tricky Words' booklet?


Activity 2 - Next week is 'Earth Day' - Every year on 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated around the world in over 192 countries. But, this annual event is much more than a celebration – it’s an important day to raise awareness about looking after the environment.

Have a look at the information on the National Geographic website and see how you too can make a difference!


Activity 3 - It's dance time again - Get on down and boogie to "Get 'yo' body movin"...

Get Yo Body Movin - Koo Koo Kanga Roo | GoNoodle

Get energized with Koo Koo Kanga Roo and this funky tune! Create a free account on GoNoodle.com now and find hundreds of ways to move! -- http://goo.gl/3h3tK...

Friday 17th April 2020


Activity 1 - Challenge your mathematics with this 'One more - One Less' game...


Activity 2 - Take a trip out into the garden or have a look around during your daily exercise visit outdoors - (please remember to stay close to your family but away from everyone else - Remember the 2 meters distance rule!) 

Whilst you are outside, I would like you to investigate all the different "Signs of Spring" that you can see - use the prompt sheets below to help you. Record your findings with drawings, writing, diagrams, photographs... However you like!


I've also attached instructions on how to make your own 'Mini Beast Hotel' - Have fun!


Activity 3 - Now it's time to channel your inner Mozart - Visit this website and try out a variety of 'Virtual Musical Instruments' - Grownups - you might want to find some earplugs! frown


We really do hope you have enjoyed these activities, we are missing you all and really look forward to all being together again soon! xxx
