WB 11.5.20
Friday 15th May
It's Friday! Yay! Well done for your hard work this week! The weekend is nearly here!
How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your refrigerator?
The door won't shut!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
MATHS ACTIVITY: Arithmetic paper to either print out or answer in your book.
PURPLE MASH: Create an information page explaining how muscles work.
WRITING TASK: Plan and write a letter of complaint. Remember to use formal vocabulary (no contractions or every day language) read the example letter to help you and if you have one, build upon and adapt an experience you have had either in a restaurant or hotel maybe? Remember- some of the events can be adapted to suit your writing. Complete this by Friday 15th May.
Thursday 14th May
Hello All! Thursday already! One more day until the weekend! Yay! Below is your work for today!
Why are cats good at video games?
Because they have nine lives!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities. Remember you can do this in your exercise book.
READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Remember you can do this in your exercise book.
ACTIVE LEARN: Complete a book and questions on Active Learn.
SPELLING ACTIVITY: Complete relevant spelling activity in spelling booklets or complete the spelling activity I have uploaded.
Wednesday 13th May
Happy Wednesday! Half way through the week already!
What do you call a crate full of ducks?
A box of quackers!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities.
MATHS ACTIVITY: Times Table Rock Stars
READING ACTIVITY: Comprehension paper. Remember, you can answer the questions in your book.
PURPLE MASH: Research London and write a review about it to make someone want to visit there.
Tuesday 12th May
Hello everyone! Well done on another hard day of work! Here is your work for today! Tuesday already! That went quick! Remember to keep logging on at home so I can see what you are all up to!
Why did the elephant sit on the marshmallow?
So he wouldn't fall into the hot chocolate!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Non- standard English work to be completed in your books.
READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!
PURPLE MASH: Complete a quiz about democracy!
Monday 11th May
Hello! I hope you all had an amazing Bank Holiday weekend in the sun! Back to it with another week!
What times does a duck wake up?
At the quack of dawn!!
Here is your work for today! Well done for everything you have done so far! It is lovely to read your Purple Mash comments!
MATHS ACTIVITY: Complete one of the Mathsphere activities in your book.
GRAMMAR ACTIVITY: Progressive tense work to be completed in your books.
READING: Active Learn reading (x1 book per day/15minutes of reading). I have allocated new books for you all to enjoy J Please remember to answer the comprehension questions once you have finished the books!
TIMES TABLE ROCKSTARS: x10minutes daily times table practise.
PURPLE MASH: Write a postcard from your visit to the rainforest!