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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 11.5.20

Thank you to our lovely, lovely children in Class 1! We all loved your video messages. They made us all cry. We are missing you all too and even more now! You all look like you’ve grown and you sounded so grown-up. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to seeing you all soon. 
Until then, have a lovely weekend, stay safe  and take good care of yourselves. Love to all your families too. 
smileyheart smileyheart smileyheart xxx

Friday 15th May, 2020

Hello Class 1! It's Friday! It is nearly the weekend! See if you can work hard for one more day and then you can have a lovely weekend! Fingers crossed that the weather is good! 

Today you will be putting all your hard work into practice by completing a piece of writing with adjectives and maybe even similes. Good luck! Maybe we will even get to read some of your descriptions? We know you will try your best! We are looking forward to seeing just how much your handwriting has come on too! (You know how much we love teaching you handwriting - we've really missed this!)

Have a great day and a great weekend and we'll catch up soon!

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley


First again today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer. 

Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...




Today I would like you to practise your halves and quarters with this relaxing colouring activity. Complete as many sheets as you have time for. You could even make patterns in the different fractions of each shape.


First of all, I would like you to write the following adjectives five times each in your best cursive handwriting:

big, small, hairy, funny, deep. Use the cursive alphabet below to help you.

Next I would like you to watch the following lesson about using adjectives to describe a setting:

Story settings lesson

  • Now I would like you to choose at least three of the pictures on the sheet below and write some sentences to describe each picture. You can cut them out and stick the picture opposite your writing if you wish.
  • Use capital letters and full stops for each sentence and try to include at least one adjective in each sentence. Use your best cursive handwriting too.
  • Don't forget to read your work out loud to a partner to check you haven't made any mistakes. 


The pictures are: a forest, a village, a beach, a mountain, a haunted house, a city, the Antarctic and a castle.

EXTRA CHALLENGE: Can you include a simile?

You need these pictures for your writing today...

This adjective word mat might help!


Finally, make sure that today you set some time aside to read one of your Active Learn reading books. Don't forget there are questions there too to make sure you've understood the book. Do this for at least 15 minutes daily.

You could read your own real books as well if you want to! It's a great thing to do just before you go to bed! 



We are very impressed that you are enjoying lots of reading on Active Learn

(as well as your own real books at home) - Well done!

We are monitoring the use of Active Learn daily and updating book allocations regularly.

We have noticed that some children have several books 'open' but not 'completed'.

In order to complete a book, you have to complete all of the comprehension questions within the text. These are found by clicking on the small green bug icon - they appear on occasional pages. Once you have completed the question/s correctly, the bug will 'Go to sleep'.

You can then complete the book, 'Close It' and then 'Rate It' with a smiley, 'o.k' or sad face.

We will then continue to allocate new books as you complete your books and they move into your 'Library'.

We thought it would help to explain this to you, as some parents have been wondering why their child hasn't had any new books this week.

Keep enjoying the wonderful world of books! xx 

Thursday 14th May, 2020

Dear Class 1, 

Hope you had a nice day yesterday! It's been lovely seeing some of your work and hearing how you're getting on. We hope you've learned a lot about adjectives this week! It's been great seeing that some of you have learned about similes too! Thank you also for the wonderful work you produced about lions. It's made us burst with pride! Wow! Amazing work and sentences. Keep working hard. You really are making us so proud! 

Today there is some more work about adjectives and about nouns too! The film clips are there to help you!

Have a great day of learning and keep trying your best! 

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



Your maths today is more practice on fractions. Have a go of finding fractions of shapes and numbers. Use groups of objects again to help you, like lego pieces, counters, raisins, toys, cubes...whatever you have at home...


Today, your grammar activity is on Purple Mash in your to dos. It is all to do with adjectives again. Once you have played the game which is all about putting adjectives with nouns to make pairs, you can then write some of these pairs in your books. I would like you to practise using your best handwriting for this too. e.g. huge tree, small cat...

Learn about nouns on this short clip

Learn about adjectives on this short clip.

Wednesday 13th May, 2020

Good morning to you all and happy Wednesday! The week is flying by! I can't believe it is Wednesday already!

It is such a shame that the weather has gone a bit colder and that it has rained today. Let's hope that the sun comes out again soon. We hope that you have been learning a lot about adjectives this week - we will learn even more about them today so you should be really good at describing things by the time we are back at school!

Here is today's work! 

Missing you all lots, from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



First again today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer. 

Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...



Your maths today is on Purple Mash. There are two 2 dos for you to complete. The activities are two games to practise your fraction skills, now that you are experts in halves and quarters. I have also put underneath the Youtube clips to remind you about halves and quarters. The other games are there if you want to play any of those too.

Fractions Year 1 - Finding Quarters of Shapes

Watch this to help you.


Please complete the following activity sheets on adjectives. Complete the first one and the second if you have time. The adjectives YouTube clip is below to remind you what an adjective is. There is also a Powerpoint slideshow explaining what an adjective is too. You can either print out the sheets or complete the work in your books.

What are adjectives? A Powerpoint to help you.

Adjectives Activity 1

Adjectives Activity 2


This week, your e-safety task is to complete the following wordsearch which is all about internet safety. Once you have found the words, discuss them with someone at home and see if you can use some of the words to write some sentences about internet safety.

Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good morning Class 1! We hope you had a good day yesterday and worked really hard.

It was nice to hear about some of the activities and fun things you did over the weekend.  

Here are today's activities. Some of them are continued from yesterday. If you finish them, you can play some of the online games I have included.

Have a lovely day!

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



First again today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer. 

Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...



This week we are looking at halves and quarters. Today, please finish the maths booklet below from yesterday. If you can't print it out, just write the answers in your books. Watch the clips first to help. You could use objects again to split into 2 equal groups and don't forget that to find a quarter you just halve and halve again. If you finish, have a go of the games below.



This week we will be concentrating on adjectives. Adjectives are describing words like big, small, funny, sad... 

Watch the film clip first and then complete sheet two (**).

The last sheet is very hard so is only there for a challenge if you really want one! 


You will find today's  activity in your to dos on Purple Mash. I would like you to write some sentences about lions using adjectives. Use your grammar work to help you. Remember, an adjective is a describing word.

If you want an extra challenge, you can use a simile which is when you say it is LIKE something, or as...as....

e.g. Its fur is like soft, fluffy cotton wool, or its fur is as soft as cotton wool.  I have included some information (below) about lions to help you.

Some ideas for your adjective work about lions.


What are Similes?

Monday 11th May, 2020

Good morning Class 1. We've missed you! We hope you have enjoyed the bank holiday weekend and that you had a good rest and enjoyed time with your family. We went for a family walk and saw plenty of bunting and flags and celebrations! Maybe you enjoyed some VE day fun too! 

So here we are again, ready to face a new week. Here are today's activities. Try your best and work hard like you do in class. And keep remembering our school values too!

Love from Mrs Craddock, Mrs Darnton and Mrs Stow smiley



First today, we would like you to spend 15 minutes practising your times tables. See if you can beat your own times. You could even set challenges. Remember that your times tables can help you with dividing too, like 10 ÷ 2 means how many 2s are in 10 so you can use your 2 times tables to work out the answer. 

Now you have warmed up your brains, you are ready for maths...



This week we are looking at halves and quarters. Over the next two days, please complete the maths booklet below. If you can't print it out, just write the answers in your books. Watch the clips first to help. You could use objects again to split into 2 equal groups and don't forget that to find a quarter you just halve and halve again.





Learn how to spell the days of the week and times of the day using the sheet below. When you have learned them, try the quiz on Purple Mash which you will find in your to dos.
