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Maths Home Learning

Maths Home Learning - Friday 6th January 2017


This week we have been revising our basic maths skills, ready for our first full week back next week.


Here are the links you may need to access the home learning:


Maths Home Learning                        Friday 11th November 2016

This week we have been writing numbers up to 20 in words.

Can you use the word mat to help you answer the questions below in words?


  1. How old are you?
  2. What date is it today?
  3. What is twenty take-away eight?
  4. What class are you in?
  5. What time do you start school?
  6. What time do you finish school?
  7. How many pets do you have?
  8. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  9. What is ten add ten?
  10. What time do you wake up in the morning?

Maths Home Learning                    Friday 14th October 2016

This week we have been looking at addition and subtraction!

We have use concrete resources like blocks and counters, pictorial representations (including drawing our own) and we have even filled in the missing symbols into mixed up addition and subtraction number sentences.


Your homework this week is to find the answers to the number sentences and use this to find which colour to use for each section of the picture!


We have tried a similar activity in class and really enjoyed it!


Remember, you can use concrete resources, pictorial representations, number lines… anything at all that will help you! 

Maths Home Learning                    Friday 30th September 2016

This week we have been looking at number bonds! One of the children even taught the class a number bond song to help us remember our number bonds to ten:

6 and 4, 7 and 3, 8 and 2, 9 and 1: they all add up to 10!

Learning our number bonds is so important as we use them in almost every maths lesson and also outside of class too (like when we buy our snack at break time!)


Your homework this week is the purple mash number bonds game.

To access this you should log on to Purple Mash by going to: www.purplemash.co.uk/stmatthewswa

Click on ‘My 2Dos’ and the game ‘bond bubble’ should appear.

There are different levels so please have a go at the one that challenges you!


When you have completed the activity, please ask an adult to sign and date this page in your homework book smiley


Maths Home Learning                    Friday 16th September 2016

Numbers are everywhere!

This week we have been looking at different ways to represent numbers. We have looked at the spellings of numbers and how we can represent numbers using objects or pictures.


Your homework this week is to design a poster all about numbers and YOU!


You could include:
Your age, house number, shoe size, date of birth, the year you were born, the age of your pet or sibling, your favourite number, the number of cousins you have… ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT YOU AND NUMBERS!


You can draw, cut out pictures etc. Just make sure you write your numerals correctly without any reversals.


Make your poster as bright and eye catching as you can for our fantastic number display!


Have fun smiley
