VE Day 75th Anniversary - Friday 8th May
8th May, 1945 was Victory in Europe Day
The day for which British people fought and endured five years, eight months and four days of war.
VE Day Podcast from History Storytime
With the 75th anniversary of VE day coming up, bring the story to life with this podcast episode about VE Day.Sophie (aged 7) and Ellie (aged 4) are sad to be missing the VE Day celebrations because of the Coronavirus. They had been planning a VE Day street party. But now they are trapped at home. So with their Daddy they tell the story of the VE Day celebrations. They learn how awful World War 2 had been. They understand just how relieved ordinary people were to put it all behind them. They get swept up in the VE Day Party atmosphere of 75 years ago.
Day 1 - Here are the quizzes for Monday ... Good luck!
(*answers will be given tomorrow)
VE Day Quiz Day 1 (Easier)
Easier Answers:
1) 1939
2) 1940
3) Winston Churchill
4) bombings, lonely, evacuated, rationed
5) bacon, butter and sugar meat, eggs, cheese and milk, clothes
6) VE Day or Victory in Europe Day
7) Street parties, Singing, dancing, parties, banners & balloons, Flags
8) Eat sandwiches and cakes, cheer, sing, listen to music, dance
VE Day Quiz Day 1 (Harder)
Answers: Harder
1) 6
2) 1940
3) Neville Chamberlain & Winston Churchill
4) Bombings, Loneliness, Husbands & sons went off to the forces, Evacuation of children, Food rationing, Petrol rationing
5) In case German soldiers invaded
6) bacon, butter and sugar meat, eggs, cheese and milk, clothes
7) Potatoes, fruit and fish
8) 8th May 1945
9) Street parties, Singing, dancing, parties, banners & balloons, flags
10) five years, eight months and four days of war
VE Day Quiz Day 2 - School Children in WW2 (Easier)
Answers: Easier
1) Bombing
2) Evacuated
3) Towns
4) Gas masks
5) Rubbery and nasty
6) Loud
7) yes
8) Clothes, Sugar, bacon, butter and meat, eggs, cheese and milk, sweets
9) Digging for victory
10) 50 - 60
VE Day Quiz Day 2 - School Children in WW2 (Harder)
Answers: Harder
1) An attack by enemy planes dropping bombs
2) Three and a half million
3) Greeted the children who had been evacuated and helped them get to their new homes
4) Gas attack, Air raids, Bombings
5) They said they were rubbery and nasty.
6) children left the air-raid shelters – they saw broken glass, fires and buildings destroyed
7) Milk, Eggs
8) No icing or sugar on the outside
9) Vegetables
10) Hotspur, Rover
11) Classes of 50 - 60 Not enough books and equipment. Children had to share pencils and paper. No one used margins because there wasn't much paper.
12) 8th May, 1945
VE Day Quiz Day 3 - Britain in the 1940s (Easier)
Answers: Easier
1) Worked in factories, Joined fire service, police,
2) There wasn’t enough food so it was rationed.
3) VE Day – 8th May, 1945
4) food, petrol, coal, bread and knitting wool
5) Yes
6) Mend
7) Jackets, jumpers, socks – in fact everything
8) Prisoner of war camp
VE Day Quiz Day 3 - Britain in the 1940s (Harder)
Answers: Harder:
1) Took over their jobs in factories.
2) Fire Service, Police, Naval Service, Shipyards, Munitions factories
3) Husbands, Relations, Friends, Children being evacuated, Homes by bombs
4) Shortages of food, clothes and fuel
5) Coast of Normandy in Northern France.
6) Winston Churchill
7) make health care and social conditions better for all
8) blood transfusion services, plastic surgery, organ replacement and the use of antibiotics to prevent infection

VE Day 75th Anniversary - Find out why we celebrate VE Day
From 1939 to 1945 Britain fought in World War II.
World War II was a war between many countries and over 50 million people died and millions more were injured.

World War 11 is a time in history that is interesting to find out about and some of your relatives might remember ...
My Aunty Marjorie still remembers the sound the air raid sirens made when the German aeroplanes flew over Manchester, where she lived in a bakery. She and her brother and sister would have to put on their siren suits and go into the Anderson shelter that they had in the garden.
While they waited for the planes to go away, she would play games and read. Sometimes they would get into the bunk beds that were in the shelter. It was very scary and she was very relieved when the war was over and they didn't need to go down to the shelter any more. Aunty Marjorie sometimes remembers the noise the air raid sirens made when she hears a police car.
Aunty Marjorie (age 92) remembers what it was like during the air raids

She and her brother and sister (my mum) missed home and they didn't really like going to their new school in Glossop. Many children missed their homes and family and they were all very glad to be back home in their own beds when the war was over!
Aunty Marjorie remembers what it was like to be evacuated

Aunty Marjorie was 'jubilated' when the war was over!

The main countries involved were Britain and the Commonwealth, France, the USA and the USSR…the ‘Allies’.
On the other side were Germany, Italy and Japan …the ‘Axis’ powers.
The war affected everyone, rich and poor, young and old. Many people were terrified and suffered from terrible loneliness.
Some mothers had to send their children away to the country, where it was safe and many of them had husbands and sons away at war.

Why were children evacuated? Find out more about evacuation here
Many families were unhappy about evacuation because it meant they were split up and didn’t see each other for many weeks and months at a time.
I think a lot of people will understand how they felt because many families are having to be separated because of the Coronavirus.

Until 1945 the world was engaged in a destructive war which affected everybody in different ways.
The Second World War dominated the 1940s.
The war was fought by soldiers, sailors and airmen and also by civilians (people). Women and children were also needed to help with the war effort.
Women worked doing heavy and dangerous jobs like working in shipyards and in munitions factories.
They had to work long hours. For many women their war work gave them a wage for the first time.
It was a hard time for many women because they had to face losing their husbands, relations or friends in the war, losing their children when they were evacuated and they also ran the risk of finding their homes bombed.

In Britain there were shortages of food, clothes and fuel. Rationing and the “Dig for Victory” campaign were introduced.

Britain in the 1940s - find out what it would have been like living in the 'War Years' and what life was like after VE Day here
What was it like for school children?
Children in Britain lived with the constant threat of a German invasion. They lived through frightening air raids and many children who lived in towns were separated from their parents and were evacuated to the country.
Everyone was issued with a gas mask, in case of a gas attack. Children didn’t like wearing them because they said they were ‘rubbery and nasty’.

Children enjoyed playing war games and dressing up as soldiers. Comics such as ‘Rover’ and ‘Hotspur’ included war time adventure stories.
In schools, classrooms were very crowded. There was a shortage of teachers as many were ‘called up’ or sent to help with war duties.
Often there were classes of 50 or 60 children. There were too many pupils and not enough books and equipment. Children had to share pencils and paper. Margins were abolished because of the shortage of paper!
Can you imagine what it would have been like to have shared your classroom with 50 other children?
School Children in WW11 - Find out here more about what life was like for children during the war years
“VE-Day” is 8th May, 1945.
It is the day that the war in Europe was over and there were all kinds of celebrations.
People celebrated and welcomed home their loved ones from the forces.

The war had brought with it many changes for people – less food, no new clothes and disrupted schooling.
Adults and children suffered losses and hardships together and VE was a day of celebrations that went on into the night.
The celebrations went on for many days.
It was the happiest day that many people could remember. There was singing, dancing, cheering and there were street parties with banners and balloons everywhere.

Imagine the joy and relief felt by everybody after nearly six years at war!