Year 6
A celebration of your time at St Matthew's Year 6! Good luck for September when you start your new schools, we will miss you!
'Open Eyes' Performance about Drugs and Alcohol Awareness
'Open Eyes' Performance and Workshop
Year 6 were fortunate to watch a performance to raise their awareness of the important issues of drugs and alcohol.
Here are some of their comments...
What did you think of the quality of the performance?
It was brilliant!
It was very good and made us all laugh.
It was informative and entertaining.
It was a very informative and well put together play.
It was really good- it really made me think.
What did you learn? Has the performance changed your ideas about drugs and alcohol? If so, how?
It has changed my ideas about drugs and alcohol because I have seen what they can do to you.
I am definitely sure this has changed my feelings as I am more aware.
I learnt that illegal drugs have different effects than they say.
I learnt how dangerous drugs can be as well as alcohol, even in small amounts.
I learnt that different drugs have different effects to your body and that they are very dangerous for young people.
I learnt not to succumb to peer pressure.
I have learnt about what the consequences of taking drugs are.
What did you think of the workshops that followed the performance?
It was high level and educational.
It was good to find out more and ask questions after.
It was a very good way to explain everything.
The workshops were really interactive and informative and I really enjoyed getting to talk about what happened and asking your own questions.
I think the workshops were very informative and helped us understand the play more.
They were fun and interesting, especially the ‘debate’.
Would you recommend this activity for Year 6 next year? Why? Why not?
Maybe, but they have to be sensible.
Yes because it’s helpful to know.
Yes, because it will help them see how dangerous drugs are and not to mess with them.
I would definitely recommend this because it discussed a serious subject in a fun way for us to understand and enjoy at the same time.
Friday 6th May
Wow, SATS time is here already! I can't believe it! Please remember, if you are coming to school early for breakfast, arrive at about 8.25, please no earlier than 8.15! Also, you can bring in a lucky mascot if you wish and slippers if you want.
Please spend the weekend resting and taking it easy- we don't want any tired or injured children next week!
The final and most important point to remember is that you could NOT have worked any harder for these tests, you have all put 100% of effort in and myself, Mrs Fryman and the rest of the Year 6 team couldn't be any prouder of you all! You are a credit to St Matthew's School!
Have a lovely weekend and again, make sure you rest!
Miss Hazeldine
Summer Term
Where has this year gone? I can't believe we are entering into summer term already! The hard work and revision has already started so well done for coming back with such a hard working attitude! Not long now, only three weeks! Come on Year 6- WE CAN DO IT!
We also on the horizon have some really exciting events to look forward to: Sports Day, Robin Hood, Enterprise week, St Matthew's got Talent, Transition days and rehearsals for leavers. I hope we have time to fit it all in! I'm sure we will!
After we have finished revising we will be moving on to some exciting topics such as evolution in science, continuing with our South America topic in Geography, and starting Crime and Punishment in History!
You are on the home straight now Year 6 and if effort throughout the year is anything to go by, no one has anything to worry about! You are all super stars!
Spring Term
Manor Adventure - March 2016
Tuesday 15th March 2016; 18:25 - Year 6 have said that, "So far the highlights of the trip have been the adrenalin and the sense of achievement, getting muddy and helping your friends."
We've been on the go since we got here - we hope the photos below will give you some idea of our activities.
Manor Adventure March 2016
Welcome back to school! I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas holiday and thank you again for the wonderful gifts!
Everyone has settled back down to work after what was a very busy first week back- well done to all of Year 6 who hit the ground running with a visit from Mrs Nicholson to do maths! We have lots of exciting things going on this term including our geography topic South America and our Science topic on light. As well as this we will be continuing on with Maths, English and Grammar lessons.
We also have Manor adventure looming, I hope to see you all at the information evening. I certainly am excited!
We are all aware that there is increasing work pace due to SATS week getting closer, however; no one should be working themselves up over this. Just keep doing what you are doing Year 6- you are great!
Where did Autumn term go? Year 6 haven't stopped throughout and they are embracing on going change well- you are all brilliant.
The slipper project was successful and all children have created a fantastic pair of slippers to keep their feet warm over the Christmas holidays! Well done!
We have lots of great topics to look forward to next term including South America in Geography and Light and How We See Things in Science. We will also be continuing our China topic in History. As well as this, we have the long awaited residential to Manor Adventure!! I am certainly excited and the children are too!
Everyone is working so hard in preparation for their tests and everyone's effort can't be faulted. Well done Year 6, you are a credit to St Matthew's.
Thank you very much for my wonderful gifts and voucher- a very lucky teacher once again!
I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas holiday! See you in January!
KS2 SATS Information for Parents Spring 2016
Our class assembly was about Xi'an in China ... we have been learning about the Chinese dynnasties and making our own Silk Road!
We had a fantastic day at Dangerpoint learning about how to keep ourselves safe!
Look here to see what we will be getting up to in our first term!
I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and you have been up to lots of exciting activities! I can't wait to read about them.
We have lots of exciting things planned for your final year in Primary School. We are covering topics such as North and South America, Ancient China and Crime and Punishment through time. As well as this we will be covering lots of science topics, some including habitats and also humans and the human body. Above all, which I know lots of children are already excited about, our residential to Manor Adventure! I know I certainly can't wait.
I intend to keep homework the same as last year and you all did a wonderful job of handing in and working hard on it- well done. Just for reference, although I will remind you all of this in the first week:
Monday: Homework handed in (reading x tables)
Tuesday: Homework handed out (reading x tables)
Wednesday: reading and x tables
Thursday: reading diaries signed and handed in (reading and x tables)
Friday: Spellings handed out and tested (reading and x tables)
Spellings will be slightly different as instead of a strip of words, you will be receiving a booklet to keep for the term which includes some spelling activities too.
PE will be on the same days- Wednesday and Friday. Dave will be in on Friday so make sure your kits are in school.
It will be lovely to see your smiling faces in on Thursday and be sure to hit the ground running... I know you all will!
Welcome to Year 6 Class!
Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!
Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.