Year 6
Leaver's Pictures 2018
Well done on a brilliant term Year 6! I don't know where the time has gone? You have all worked so hard and should be proud of yourselves. Also, well done for a fantastic class assembly. Sadly, the PPT and any videos are too large to be uploaded so I have uploaded the pictures individually! I hope they bring back some funny memories!
We're having a great time at Manor Adventure!
KS2 SATS 2018 Information & Timetable
KS2 SATS Information for Parents
Arts Week is going very well ... Class 6 are working on a very special project ... find out more soon!
Year 6 Reading List
As you are aware, it is vital to be reading each day with a parent or guardian. If your parents or guardians are busy one evening, you should still be taking the time to read independently and log this in your diary. Please follow the link below to see some of the books recommended for year 6- I can't wait to hear about the books you choose.
Welcome back!
A big welcome back to all of Year 6 and a Happy New Year! I hope that you had a fantastic few weeks off! Thank you again for all of the lovely gifts- very kind!
We have an exciting half term ahead with the Panto, Light and How We See topic in science and we are already underway with our new geography topic, South America and Brazil.
PE will be as normal for now, but make sure that PE kits are in school at all times just in case of any changes!
Important documents
Anti Bullying Week
Year 6 have had a busy week looking at how to stop bullying. They completed an NSPCC workshop where the children identified the three types of bullying- verbal, physical and cyber. They also watched a video of someone who was being bullied and how they could help him.
As well as this, because our class book is Wonder, which is about a boy called August with a facial abnormality, we decided that he could be a potential target for bullies. One of August's teachers has a monthly precept, which is like a motto. So year 6 decided to create their own precept posters about anti bullying and thinking kind. Here are some pictures of year 6 displaying the posters and also some examples of the precepts that they chose.
Always be a little kinder than necessary- Sean
One kind word can change someone's day- Emily
Kindness is the key to a better life- Anna
Anti Bullying Week Precept Posters
Y6 visit Safety Central
Welcome to Class 6!
Firstly, I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and that you are coming back to school well relaxed, ready for a full on year!
We will be having an extremely busy year covering many topics and completing many extra-curricular activities as well! It is my job to not only prepare you for SATs but most importantly to prepare you for high school, where you will need to demonstrate an increased amount of independence. This will ensure that your transition to high school is seamless.
PE will continue on as normal with Dave mostly. Children should have kits in school at all times in case there are any last minute changes to the PE schedule.
Homework will be regular and consistent each week and there will be no variations unless told otherwise. Children should read and complete multiplication practise each night. On a Tuesday, maths, grammar and reading comprehension homework will be given out. This should be handed in on the following Monday at the latest. Reading diaries should be logged in each time you have read and signed. These will be collected in on a Thursday morning. Finally, spellings plus the activity should be completed each week. A test will be held each Friday morning linking to the corresponding week, this is when spelling booklets will be handed in to mark.
Topic homework will continue as normal, once per half term, although around SATS time we will take a break from this due to revision.
Any homework not completed will result in a break time detention so I recommend attending homework club if you are able to as this will give you a head start on homework each week. This will also get you into a good routine ready for high school.
Attached you will find a homework timetable for you to follow through the year.
Topics and Extra- Curricular
We will be covering a range of topics this year including Crime and Punishment, Islamic Civilisation, North America and South America. As well as this we will be looking at science topics including the human body, how we see, electricity, living things and evolution. As well as these topics, we will also have our residential to Manor Adventure taking place, which I am sure you are already excited for. And if that isn’t enough, Year 5 and Year 6 will be taking part in the end of year production, so we have many enjoyable activities to look forward to throughout the year.
I hope that you are as excited as I am to start your final year of primary school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
Miss Hazeldine