Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
I hope you've all had a lovely summer and are ready to start your final year at St Matthew's! We have a fun-filled year ahead and I can't wait to get to know you all...
Here is some key information:
Homework: will continue to be set on a Tuesday and will be due in by the following Monday. Topic project homework will be sent home at the beginning of each half term.
Spellings: Spellings will be given out in a termly booklet - there is a spelling activity to complete each week and spellings will need to be practised ready for the class test every Friday.
Reading: Reading should be done every day and recorded in home-school diaries - these will be checked and signed on a Friday morning in preparation for the 'Reader of the week' award to be given out in celebration assembly.
Times Tables: Daily practise of times tables is expected to encourage the rapid recall of ALL multiplication and division facts up to 12x12. TT Rockstar tests will be completed daily in class. TT Rockstar and Hit the Button are useful games for practising at home.
PE: Our weekly PE lessons will take place on a Friday - please ensure you have your PE kit each week.
Music: Music lessons will be led by specialist music teacher on a Tuesday afternoon. We will be learning how to play the clarinet this year.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Miss Palmer