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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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Year 5

Hello Year 5,

I hope you have all had a wonderfully relaxing holiday and are refreshed and ready for the final half term of Year 5.

As always, this term is full of lots of exciting learning. In RE, we will be learning about Christian Celebrations and the Holy Spirit. In science, we will studying Animals Including Humans and learning about the human life cycle. As part of our geography topic, Journeys, we will be investigating the journeys of different food and clothing products and comparing these with locally sourced products. We have an exciting new class text, The Hunter by Paul Geraghty, to enjoy together in English before writing our own narratives based on the text. In our maths lessons, we will continue our work on position and direction before learning about volume and capacity. In addition, we will also be practising for the Y5-6 production with Mrs Webster.


Home learning will continue to be handed out on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday. Spellings will continue to be tested on a Thursday. Please remember to read every evening and complete a book on Active Learn once a week to help with your reading comprehension. All reading should continue to be recorded in your planner and signed by an adult once a week. Times tables should be practised every day and will be tested weekly on a Wednesday.


We have lots of exciting enrichment activities to look forward to this half term, including cricket and rugby coaching. Please ensure you have your PE kits in school every day to enable us all to take advantage of these fantastic opportunities.

I have attached copies of the Knowledge Organisers that we will be using in school to support our teaching and learning. Please feel free to use the clips and links at the bottom of the Class Page. 


If you have any questions, please see me.

Mrs Johnstone

Hello Year 5,

I am so proud of how hard you all worked at home last term during our class bubble closure. Well done for remaining so positive and engaged during our second period of remote learning.

As always, this term is full of lots of exciting learning. In RE, we will be learning about Islam and the importance of Muhammad to Muslims. In science, we will studying Living Things and learning about plant reproduction and animal life cycles. As part of our history topic, Journeys, we will be researching the Titanic, the Kindertransport and the Empire Windrush. We have an exciting new class text, The Paperbag Prince, to enjoy together in English. In our maths lessons, we will continue our work on decimals and start to learn about geometry and properties of shapes.

Home learning will continue to be handed out on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday. Spellings will continue to be tested on a Thursday. Please remember to read every evening and complete a book on Active Learn once a week to help with your reading comprehension. All reading should continue to be recorded in your planner and signed by an adult once a week. Times tables should be practised every day and will be tested weekly on a Wednesday.

PE will be with Mrs Watson on a Wednesday, but please ensure you have your PE kits in school every day in case of timetable changes.

I have attached copies of the Knowledge Organisers that we will be using in school to support our teaching and learning. Please feel free to use the clips and links at the bottom of the Class Page and the assigned activities on Purple Mash. 

If you have any questions, please see me.

Mrs Johnstone

Welcome back to school, Year 5.


It has been wonderful to be back in school with you all and to see how well you have returned to our usual classroom routines. We have lots of exciting learning to take us through until Easter. In RE, we will continue to learn about ‘Salvation’ through Christian works of art and the Easter story; we will also be researching our class courageous advocate, Anne Frank. We have plenty of opportunities for creativity this half term: in art, we will paint our own Impressionist inspired paintings while in PSHE, we will practise different mindful techniques. You have already impressed me with how well you have embraced our new PE curriculum; we will continue with additional PE lessons until the end of term, so please ensure you have your PE kits in school every day.


Homework will be issued on a Tuesday and will be due the following Monday; spellings will be issued on a Thursday. Please ensure you read and practise your times tables every day.


If you have any questions, please see me.


Mrs. Johnstone


Hello Year 5,


I am so proud of how hard you all worked at home last half term. We are starting the second half of the spring home at term too, but I’m very much hoping we will all be together in school shortly.


I have attached the Knowledge Organisers for this half term to support our teaching and learning. As always, this term is full of lots of exciting learning. In science, will complete our Forces topic before moving onto Living Things and their Habitats; in Geography, we will be learning about the Alpine region; in English, we will be writing a biography of the astronaut, Chris Hadfield, while enjoying his novel, The Darkest Dark, as our class text.


Please use the clips and links at the bottom of the Class Page and the assigned activities on Purple Mash to support your learning.  


If you have any questions, please see me.

Mrs. Johnstone.

Hello Year 5,

I am so proud of how hard you are working while you are at home. Well done for logging on to our online lessons everyday and contributing as wonderfully as you would do in class. It’s been fabulous to see all the amazing work you have produced at home- thank you for all the photographs and videos that you have sent in. A huge thank you to all the parents who are supporting you at home, your help is greatly appreciated.

I have attached a copy of our ‘lockdown’ timetable.

Mrs. Johnstone


Year 5 Home Learning Timetable Stretton St Matthew’s





9.45- 10.45



12.00- 1.00

1.00- 2.00

2.00- 3.00





Teacher available to reply to any messages

Spelling input and using spellings in context.

English Activity

Maths Activity




Small group feedback, discussion and retrieval.

Teacher available to reply to any messages


Vocabulary Activity

English Activity

Maths Activity


Small group feedback, discussion and retrieval.


Grammar Activity

English Activity

Maths Activity



Small group feedback, discussion and retrieval.


Grammar Activity

English Activity

Maths Activity



Small group feedback, discussion and retrieval.


Grammar Activity

English Activity

Maths Activity



Class 5 music, French and PSHE.

Whole School Celebration Assembly with Mrs. Costello.

Hello Year 5,


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and are looking forward to the spring term. Thank you very much for the wonderful (and rather delicious!) Christmas presents; Mrs Pawson, Mrs Clark and I are very grateful for your kindness.


This spring half-term is full of lots of exciting learning. In science, we are learning about forces such as air and water resistance, gravity and magnetism while in DT we will be bridge building. In history and English, we will be learning about the Vikings alongside exploring Viking mythology and sagas.


Please remember to return your PE kits to school as we will continue to have PE on a Thursday afternoon.


I have attached the knowledge organisers for this half term to support your learning. Please also use the clips and links at the bottom of the class page and the assigned activities on Purple Mash.


As always if you have any questions, please see me.


Mrs Johnstone.

Spring 1 Viking home learning projects

Autumn 2


Welcome back, Year 5.


I hope you all had a relaxing half-term holiday and well-earned break.


The second part of the autumn term half term will be filled with lots of exciting learning. We will be starting our new science topic, Space, which I know many of you have been looking forward to. In addition, we will be looking at regeneration and change as part of our Geography learning and Leonardo da Vinci in art.


Please return your PE Kits to school; we will be having PE on Thursday afternoon.

I have attached the knowledge organisers that we will be using in school to support our learning.


As always, please see me if you have any questions.

Mrs. Johnstone


Autumn 2 Science Home Learning Projects

In line with our revised homework policy, homework will now be given out on a Tuesday and should be returned the following Monday.


Well done to those of you who are reading regularly at home; please remember to record all home reading in your planner. We have a fabulous classroom library and books are available on Active Learn. If you would prefer, bring in a book from home to enjoy while you are in school. 


Well done for logging into TEAMS in school. I've set some tasks on TEAMS for you to have a look at. You can also practise this week's spellings on TEAMS if you would prefer. 


Mrs Johnstone







Completed maths, grammar and comprehension homework handed in.



Times tables

New maths, grammar and comprehension homework handed out.



Times tables








Times tables

Spelling test.







Times tables

Times table test.







Times tables

Hello Year 5,


What a super first full week back in school. I am so proud of how hard you are all working and how well you have adjusted to being back in school. 


I know that some of you are working from home at the moment; I've attached a link to BBC Bitesize for you to access some activities at home. There are also some activities for you to complete on Purple Mash.


Mrs Johnstone

Hello, Class 5!


Welcome back to school; we hope you had a lovely holiday.


We have such an exciting year to look forward to. For more information about what we will be studying this year please see the curriculum newsletter.


Reading- In Year 5, you should read for a minimum of 30 minutes each day. Please record all home reading in your reading diary and ensure an adult signs it at the end of the week.


Home Learning will be on-going and will be sent home on a weekly basis:


- English comprehension and grammar homework will be set on a Wednesday. English homework will be due back the following Tuesday at the latest.

- Maths homework will be set on a Wednesday. It will be due back the following Tuesday at the latest.

- Reading should be recorded each evening in your diaries.

- Topic A choice of topic homework activities will be set every half term.

- Spellings and times tables. You will have a weekly spelling test on a Thursday and a times table test on a Friday.


PE please ensure your PE kit is in school every day.  


Thank You,


Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Pawson

















Times tables

Maths, grammar and comprehension homework handed in to school.




Times tables

Maths, grammar and comprehension homework handed out.




Times tables

Spelling test.







Times tables

Times table test.







Times tables

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2020

Anglo- Saxons Autumn 1 home learning projects
