Year 5
We have had great fun today building bridges as part of our DT project. They all managed to hold the weight of the car!
DT - Bridges
Welcome back to the summer term!
This half term may be a shorter one, but it is full of lots of exciting new topics to get started on ... have a look at the curriculum newsletter to see what we will be learning about this Summer.
PE this term will take place on a Wednesday afternoon, but please keep your kit in school all week in case of last minute changes to the timetable
Music will continue to take place on a Wednesday afternoon with Mr Guitar - please remember to bring your guitar in (and take it home the same day!)
Home learning will continue as normal, with weekly maths, comprehension and grammar home learning being given out on a Wednesday to be handed in no later than the following Tuesday.
You are also still expected to read at home for 30 minutes per day (this should be recorded in your home learning diaries) as well as practising spellings and times tables for weekly tests.
You have already received topic home learning for this half term based on The Mayans, but if you need a reminder then have a look at the 'home learning' tab above.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Mrs Ames & Mrs Pawson
Summer Curriculum Newsletter
Happy Easter everybody!
This half term may be a shorter one, but it is full of lots of exciting new topics to get started on ... have a look at the curriculum newsletter to see what we will be learning about this Summer.
PE this term will take place on a Wednesday afternoon, but please keep your kit in school all week in case of last minute changes to the timetable
Music will continue to take place on a Wednesday afternoon with Mr Guitar - please remember to bring your guitar in (and take it home the same day!)
Home learning will continue as normal, with weekly maths, comprehension and grammar home learning being given out on a Wednesday to be handed in no later than the following Tuesday.
You are also still expected to read at home for 30 minutes per day (this should be recorded in your home learning diaries) as well as practising spellings and times tables for weekly tests.
You have already received topic home learning for this half term based on The Mayans, but if you need a reminder then have a look at the 'home learning' tab above.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Mrs Ames & Mrs Pawson
Easter Service
For the Easter Service, Class 5 re-told the part of the Easter story where the Jewish people chose to sentence Jesus to death over Barabbas.
The congregation joined in as the people who shouted, "Kill him on the cross!"
Jesus had a crown of thorns placed on his head and then walked down the aisle with the soldiers.

Experience Easter
This afternoon we went to Church to 'Experience Easter' with Alan and Ruth...
We've been working hard writing some Spring poetry!
Bible Explorers
We have had lots of fun this half term learning about the bible in an interactive way.
World Book Day 2019

Bike Right
Haven't we been lucky with the weather today? We had a wonderful morning completing Level 1 of the Bike Right course today on the school playground. We talked about how to check the safety of a bike and it's as easy as A B C... A for Air, B for Brakes and C for cogs and chains.
Have a look at us in action!

Bible Explorer
We had a great time in our first Bible Explorer session today!
We discovered how to easily find stories in the bible and what the word 'bible' actually means - books! That's because there are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. That's A LOT of books...
We played a game called 'The Creationary Game'

In the game, we had to use play-dough to create an elephant and then to create a tree. Joe won a point for 'best elephant' and Lucy won for 'best tree'. But then Mr Tomlinson asked us to create something without any play-dough. He wanted us to create a human without anything at all!
We talked about how God managed to create things just by speaking.
We learnt about the rules that God made and some of the people who broke them. We talked about Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood and the Tower of Babel.
We had lots of fun learning about the bible today and we can't wait to learn more next week!
Class Assembly 8.2.19 Well done to all of Class 5 for a FANTASTIC assembly.
We've been working hard in our guitar lessons...
Fire Service
Today, we had a visit from Andy, Ellen & James from Lymm Fire Service. They gave us lots of information about fire safety and told us what to do:
- to help prevent a fire in the home
- if a fire occurs in the home, and how to get help safely
We learnt lots of really useful facts and information!
Then we went into the smoke tent. Thankfully, it wasn't real smoke though! It started to fill the tent really quickly and then it was almost impossible to see. We had to crouch down to the floor where the smoke was thinner. Then we could crawl to our escape route.
Here are some photos from the smoke tent:
Curriculum Newsletter
Happy New Year and welcome back to Class 5!
I am so excited to be back in school and can't wait to get started on our work for this year.
PE this term will take place on a Tuesday afternoon, but please keep your kit in school all week in case of last minute changes to the timetable.
Music will continue to take place on a Wednesday afternoon with Mr Guitar.
Home learning will continue as normal. You are also still expected to read at home for 30 minutes per day, as well as practising spellings and times tables for weekly tests. You will receive new topic home learning based on our new history topic - the Anglo Saxons.
More information about what we will be learning about this term can be found on the Spring curriculum newsletter.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Mrs Ames & Mrs Pawson
Curriculum Newsletter
Hello Class 5!
Welcome back to school, we hope you have had a lovely holiday.
Below are a few important things to know for this year:
In Year 5, you should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes each day. Please record what you have read each evening in your diary.
Home Learning:
Homework will be on-going and will be sent home on a weekly basis.
- ENGLISH - English comprehension and grammar homework will be sent home on a Wednesday and will be due no later than the following Tuesday.
- MATHS - Maths homework will be sent home on a Wednesday and will be due no later than the following Tuesday.
- READING - Reading should be recorded each evening in your diaries.
- TOPIC - There will be a topic homework every half term.
- SPELLINGS/MENTAL MATHS - You will be tested on 10 spelling words and have a times table test once a week on a Friday.
PE will take place on Wednesday afternoons this half term. However, please make sure you have your PE kit in school each day in the event that there are any last minute timetable changes...
Guitar Lessons:
As part of our Year 5 music curriculum, you will receive weekly guitar lessons. These will take place once a week. (Dates to be confirmed.) The guitars will be provided for you ... but you can use your own if you have one!
Thank You
Mrs Smith and Mrs Pawson