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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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Year 5

Malham Residential - June 2017

Summer Term 




I hope you all had a lovely, restful Easter holiday and are ready to begin the summer term! Please take a look at the curriculum newsletter below to see what we will be learning about over the next few months! 


The spelling lists/time tables have been sent home for the next half term so you can see what spelling patterns we will be tested on each week! Please remember to practise your spellings at home ready for our test every Friday (I have uploaded a copy below if you misplace the originalsmiley


Miss Hill 


YEAR 5 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2017

Summer 1 Spellings and x tables

Beat for Snow Patrol to practise

Mr Guitar has set you challenges for half term!

Practise improving along to 'e minor on the pentatonic scale'

Learn how to play 'God Save the Queen'


Young Voices - we are getting our voices warmed up ready for the performance!

Class 5 have been learning more about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) and have been building bridges at Bridgewater High School

Happy New Year! 


Welcome back Class 5! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas with your family and friends and are ready for another busy half term! Below is the Spring 2017 Curriculum Newsletter! 


Miss Hill

Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter - Spring 2017

Anti Bullying Week


We want our school to be 'bully-proof' so we wrote our own playscripts and acted our plays!


We want to help children know that they can use strategies like :-

'cold shoulder', saying, "No!" and 'fogging' to help them if they are being bullied.


Most important of all - is to tell a trusted adult if you are ever being bullied.


We worked in groups, writing and acting out our anti-bullying plays

Welcome Back Class 5! 


I hope you all had a fabulous half term holiday and I am looking forward to hearing about all the exciting things you have done and places you have visited! The homework schedule for this week (31.10.16) is now updated in the 'Home Learning' area - any questions, please come and ask me... Have a lovely week! surprise


Remember to access Active Learn at home when you can. I have allocated reading books and grammar games to each of you and also the guided reading books we are working on in class!  



Well done Year 5 for all of your hard work and effort so far! We only have two weeks left before the first half term of the year is complete and you have all worked wonderfully!


Guitar lessons are going great and I really enjoyed watching you during Wednesdays lesson last week- keep it up! We have been busy working on our topic for this term which is World War Two and have already completed a number of activities including ordering WW2 events and writing evacuee letters (which were fantastic!). We will now be moving onto 'Rationing' and 'The Role of the Women' during the war...


We are focusing on Instructions in English at the moment and will soon be preparing to write our own set of instructions. We will be working hard to ensure we include the different features we have looked at in class such as subheadings, bullet points, brackets, imperative verbs and time adverbials. 


In Maths we are currently busy using protractors to measure different angles (acute/obtuse/reflex) and will soon be moving onto identifying properties of regular and irregular shapes and sorting shapes by reasoning about different lengths and angles! 


Next week in Science, we will be using force meters to measure the weight of different objects in Newtons (N). We will then be focusing on air resistance and conducting a paper helicopter investigation... 


Keep up the hard work Year 5!! 


Hello Class 5! 


Welcome back to school! I hope everybody had a fantastic summer holiday and I am looking forward to hearing about the exciting things you did! 


We have lots of enjoyable topics and events to look forward to this year! Our History topic for the first term will be World War 2 and in Geography we will be doing map work and looking at countries around the world from Europe, South America and North America. In Science, we will begin with the topic 'Lets Get Moving' and learn all about forces and machines! We also have our Malham Residential later in the school year - I'm sure we will all have a brilliant time!  


This week, we will be voting for two new School Council representatives and two Eco-Council representatives. We will also choose two children to take on the role of school librarians at St Matthew's. Our guitar lessons will begin on Wednesday morning which I am sure you are all very excited about! 


Below are a few important things to know for this year:


Home/School Diaries:

I will check your Home/School diaries every Friday. Please ask your parents/carers to sign them each week and make a record of any reading that you have done. In Year 5, you should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes each day.  If you have an important message from home then please put your diary in the Home/School diary tray in the morning as you come into class, for me to check smiley


Home Learning:

Homework will be on-going and will be sent home on a weekly basis.

  • SPELLINGS  - You will be given a list of spellings on a Friday and will be tested on these words on Friday, the following week.
  • ENGLISH - English comprehension and grammar homework will be sent home on a Wednesday and will be due no later than the following Tuesday.
  • MATHS - Maths homework will be sent home on a Thursday and will be due no later than the following Wednesday.  A list of Times Tables will be sent home for a test, also on a Friday.
  • READING - Reading should be recorded each evening in the Home/School diary
  • TOPIC - There will also be a topic homework every half term. 


 I will upload the Homework weekly to the designated area on the class page... and I will also explain what you need to do!frown



PE will take place on Monday and Thursday afternoons. However, please make sure you have your PE kit in school each day in the event that there are any last minute timetable changes... 


Guitar Lessons:

As part of our Year 5 music curriculum, you will receive weekly guitar lessons. These will take place every Wednesday morning at 9.30 am commencing Wednesday 7th September. The guitars will be provided for you ... but you can use your own if you have one.




We have a very busy and exciting year ahead and I'm sure you are all very eager to get started - I know I am! Please come and see me anytime if you have any worries or concerns about Year 5 - I am always here to listen and help! frown


Miss Hill 

Our Class Value is Forgiveness

Year 5 Class Value: Forgiveness


Our value in Class 5 is forgiveness. We think that forgiveness is...


- not holding a grudge 

accepting an apology 

- understanding why someone did something wrong

- making friends again

- saying sorry

- telling someone we forgive them

- being at peace with everyone

- giving someone a hug 


Forgiving someone can be quite difficult! Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a decision or choice we have to make. Forgiving someone may not take away the hurt immediately....


Forgive our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us 


The Lord's Prayer, shows that as Christians, we need to ask for God's forgiveness in order to be forgiven, and also show our forgiveness to others.


Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil 


We then also need to promise to turn away from sin and may also need to ask God to help us do this. This shows active repentance for what we have done. If the reconciliation is true we will be forgiven. 



Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter - Autumn 2016
