Year 5
Summer Term
Hello Class 5! I hope you have all had a wonderful two week break. # Take some time to have a look at this term's topics and knowledge organisers.
English - The Hunter (Writing Outcome: Narrative)
Maths - Decimals, properties of shape, position and direction and converting units.
Science - Living things and their habitats: How can we ensure the circle of life?
RE - World religions: How does religion and worldviews teach us to live together peacefully?
History - Significance: Why did the Windrush generation travel to Britain?
PSHE - Keeping safe: How can I help in an emergency?
Art - Drawing
PE - Athletics
Knowledge organisers
Hello everyone and welcome to year 5! I hope you have all enjoyed a fantastic summer break and are raring to get started with your learning. I can’t wait to meet all of you and to begin our journey together. We have lots of interesting topics to look forward to in year 5.
Click on the meet the teacher document below to learn a little more about me.
Click on the curriculum map below to get sneak peek of all of the learning we will cover this year.
Key information for year 5:
- Homework and spellings will be sent home on a Tuesday and will be returned on the following Monday.
- Please record any reading that you do at home in your reading diaries. These will be checked weekly.
- Please continue to use TTRockstars to make sure your time tables knowledge stays sharp!
- PE will be on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your PE kit is in school just in case we have to make any last minute changes.
Year 5 brass tuition videos
Click on the song names below to access Mr LLoyd's videos.