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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

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Year 4

Summer 2 Topic Homework Project

Y4 Summer Term 2


Welcome back Team Y4, I hope you've all enjoyed the sunny Whit half-term break 😊

I can't believe we're starting the final half term of the school year - we have lots of fun learning ahead!



Here’s what we’ll be learning during the second half of the summer term:

Maths - Statistics, properties of shape, position and direction.

English – Explanation texts

Science – States of matter

RE – Christianity - discipleship 

Geography - The Americas 

PE – Swimming & outdoor team games

DT - Levers & linkages 

Computing – The internet & our digital footprint

Languages – French

PSHE – Making decisions about money

Music - Guitar 


Swimming lessons will continue to take place every Tuesday afternoon. We’ll be leaving school after lunch and will be back at school by home time.  You will need your swim bag with costume, towel and goggles.


Homework will continue to be set on a Tuesday and will be due in by the following Monday.


Reading should be recorded in your home-school diary regularly. These will be checked each week.


Music will be taught by specialist music teacher, Mr Hulme, throughout this half term and will take place on Wednesday afternoons. 


If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask! smiley


Miss Palmer.

Summer 1 - Crime and Punishment Homework Project

Y4 Summer Term


Hi Team Y4! ðŸ˜Š

We have a fun-filled summer term ahead and I’m looking forward to seeing you all again and getting stuck back in with our super learning. You've all impressed me so much since January and I know you will continue to do so for the final term of Year 4! 



Here’s what we’ll be learning during the first half of the summer term:

Maths - Decimals, Money, Time

English – Non-chronological reports

Science – States of matter

RE – Hinduism

History – Crime and punishment

PE – Athletics & Swimming (more information below!)

Art – Pop Art

Computing – Photo editing

Languages – French

PSHE – Responsibilities


Swimming lessons: Our swimming lessons will take place every Tuesday afternoon starting from the 20th April. We’ll be leaving school after lunch and will be back at school by home time.  You will need your swim bag with costume, towel, goggles and swim cap!


Homework: Homework will continue to be set on a Tuesday (homework will alternate weekly between Teams assignments and written activities in Homework Books) and will be due in by the following Monday. Homework activities are linked to what we've been learning in school each week and allow you to apply the skills you've learned.


Reading: It is important that you read regularly and record this in your Home-School Diary. Just ten minutes of reading per night will make a huge difference to your reading ability!


Times Tables: Times tables will continue to be a focus for us throughout the summer term to ensure we know all of our multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 in preparation for Year 5. We will carry on with our daily TT Rockstar three-minute challenges in class, and any extra practise you do at home will be a huge help! TT Rockstars, Hit the Button and Timestables.co.uk have fun interactive games to help you practise.  


If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask!


Miss Palmer.







Welcome back Year 4!

We’ve had a super first week back and you’ve all impressed me so much with how well you’ve adapted back to school life so far.

From now until Easter, we have lots of exciting learning coming up. We will be learning about our class ‘courageous advocate’ - Greta Thunberg, having extra PE lessons to promote exercise and getting outdoors, taking part in PSHE lessons on the themes of hope, friendship and gratitude, and learning all about Easter in RE.

Homework will continue to be set on Tuesdays and be due in the following Monday. It is also important to keep reading each day and write this into your planners.


If you need anything, let me know! smiley


Miss Palmer. 



Hello Year 4,

Here you will find the Online Learning Timetable to access via Microsoft Teams. You’re all doing amazing with the online learning so far and have really impressed me with how well you’ve adapted – keep up the great work! 😊


Miss Palmer.


Year 4 Online Learning Timetable





9.45- 10.45





12:00- 1:00

1.00- 2.00


2.00- 3.00






Teacher available to reply to any messages




Spelling/ Punctuation/ Grammar/ Reading.































(RE/ Science/ History/ Geography/ PE/ PSHE/ French/ Art)





Group Feedback




Teacher available to reply to any messages






Staff time to set work – homework assigned. (Due in the following Friday)


Monday 21st September 2020


Dear parents and children,


Well here we are at the start of a new week. I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend in the sun.


I trust that you have seen the letter from Mrs Costello explaining the homework and home learning procedures. As such, from this week, all homework will be sent home on a Tuesday rather than Wednesday.  Please can I ask that it is returned by the following Monday at the latest so that it can be marked before going home again on the Tuesday! The spelling test will remain on a Friday. 

Homework will be a mixture of work in books and online. I will endeavour to give the children clear instructions so that they understand which homework they need to do.


Each week, depending on the number of children absent, I will also set some tasks for those children who are at home and are well enough to carry on their learning. This work does not need to be completed by children who are at school. It will be found on the class page originally but will move to the new Teams format soon. I will confirm when this happens.


Thank you all for your continued hard work and support.  Please contact me if you have any queries.


Kind regards,


Catherine Smith


Home learning. Please write a recount about a special day out using the information on the powerpoint, then complete the SPAG and Maths mats.You could also have a look at the Purple Mash activities, Active learn and TT Rockstars. Please have a go before looking at the answers.

Tuesday 14th September 2020


Dear children and parents,


Thank you all for all your hard work over the past two weeks. Time has passed very quickly and it already seems like we have never been away.

For those of you who are at home, I thought you might like some work to have a look at. The work will support the work needed over the coming weeks.

The resources can be found on Active Learn, where I have allocated two quizzes, 'Nouns and Pronouns,' and 'Common Misspellings.' I have also made sure that you have books allocated so that you can complete the book followed by the quiz.

On Purple Mash, I have allocated two 2Do's. The first is called, 'The fox and the hen,' and is about matching up word types, the second is a Roman numeral quiz. 

Please don't forget your Times Tables which you should be practising every day. Times Tables Rockstars is set up ready for you to have a go.

Our Topic in history is the Romans. As well as completing your topic homework, you could create a powerpoint about the Roman Invasion of Britain. I will include a website below to help you. 

Take care and I hope to see you soon.



Mrs Smith


Friday 4th September 2020


Happy Friday everybody, well done for completing your first two days in year 4 successfully and for working hard.  Here is your topic homework for this term. I hope that you have fun with it!

Take care,

Mrs Smithsmiley


Autumn Term 1 Topic Homework

Thursday 3rd September


Dear Class 4, 


I hope that you have all had a lovely summer holiday and a good rest.

I know that things may feel a little strange at first, having not been in school for such a long time, but please know that we have all being working hard to make sure you feel safe and happy whilst in school. Once back, I am sure that you will settle quickly and start to have some funsmiley


Below, I have attached a welcome letter for you with lots of information about the year ahead which you and your family may find useful. There is also a curriculum plan so that you can see what we will be looking at in each subject area.


I am very excited about our new year together and I am very much looking forward to being your class teacher! If you have any questions or you are concerned about anything at all, please let me know! 


Mrs Smith
