Year 4
Welcome back to Summer Term 2019!
A big welcome back to you all. You are now in your final term in Year 4! We are very excited about this term and we have lots of exciting activities planned for you. Firstly, after all the excitement of Room 13, prepare yourself for our new class novel...
We will be finding out about the Tudors and also looking at local history/geography and canal art.
France will be our focus in geography and in science we will be continuing with our topic on states of matter and then we will be finding out about sound and finally the digestive system and teeth.
In RE it will be really great to learn about the religion Hinduism.
Of course there will be lots of other learning taking place including English, maths, PE, computing and DT and it will be lovely to help prepare you as you continue your St Matthew's journey into Class 5.
Here is some information you will find useful as you settle in to the Summer term:
As well as Mrs Craddock and Mrs Darnton, you will also have the opportunity to be taught by a few other teachers too. Here are some of the teachers you will get to know this year:
- Mrs Watson
- Miss Chalmers
- Mrs Pawson
- Dave
You have worked very hard to create our rules. They are based on our school values so we will be really concentrating on friendship, kindness, love, respect and trust. To this you have also chosen to add honesty and focus.
It is great to see you're already working hard to earn star table points, star table prizes and housepoints. Keep following our rules.
Please have a look at our curriculum planner below.
Don't forget your PE kit needs to be in school at all times. We will let you know if you need your warmer games kit.
Home Learning
English and Maths - handed out on Wednesday, back in Monday.
GAPS and spellings - handed out each Friday, back in Wednesday.
Spelling tests - Thursday.
Tables tests - all tables, in and out of order and related division facts.
Projects will come home each half term.
Diaries and reading
Please use our new-look homework diaries. Any messages from us or from you will need to go on the left-hand page and all reading at home or school needs to be recorded on the right-hand page. You need to read daily and record this in your books. Bring your diaries and reading books to school daily. We are aiming to get you on our star readers' board. Please remember to get your diaries signed each week too.
School website
As always, please keep reading our class page on the school website and look out for links and activities that we put on throughout the year. Don't forget to use Purplemash and Activelearn. The logins are in your homework diaries.
We look forward to a happy year of learning.
Mrs Craddock and Mrs Darnton


DT - Seasonal Foods - Baking Easter Simnel Cakes with Mrs Darnton's "special" Gluten Free recipe!

Our Design Technology Project - 'Design and make an electrical circuit with a buzzer component to be used as an intruder alarm'.

Here are the finished rooms, complete with working intruder alarms which activate when the door is open - some groups really channelled their "Inner Interior Designer"...

Celebrating 'World Book Day'...
Come on in and enjoy a 'Good Book'.

We really enjoyed 'Spaghetti & Meatballs', a mathematical story about perimeter & area.

Our 'Romans' assembly was great fun! Thank you to our families for supporting us!

We absolutely LOVE Yoga with Eileen! We have made incredible progress during our sessions and our 'Tree', 'Warrior' & 'Cobra' poses are very impressive!

Our new Science topic is 'Electricity' - Here we are exploring electrical components...

We can construct electrical circuits! We can test if an item is a 'Conductor' or an 'Insulator'.

We can use the ICT programme 'Purple Mash' to design an 'Electricity Safety Leaflet'.

In science we have been investigating 'Habitats' and explored our school garden to see what we could find...

Dr Farag came in to talk to us about how to keep our hearts healthy. We learnt how to find our pulse and how exercise affects our pulse rate. Thank you Dr Farag!

Class 4 performed their dance for their parents and showed their wonderful artwork. We are all very proud of you Class 4!

Tattenhall Diary
Wednesday Morning:
After we had put all our cases and bags on the coach we set off for Tattenhall.
It wasn't very far until we arrived at the centre and it was time to unload our bags again. The staff at Tattenhall made us very welcome and showed us around the rooms and the playground areas. They also told us about how to keep safe while we are here ... No jumping on the bunk beds!
Off to Tattenhall

Play time!

We LOVE the Social Area

Being dancers and artists