Year 4
Hello Year 4!
Attached below is our curriculum map so that you can see all the wonderful topics that we will be covering. We've also added the Knowledge Organisers too.
Here’s what we will be learning during this half term:
Maths – Money, Time, Statistics and Shape
English – Letters and Explnantions: Blue John
Science – Electricity: How can we get components in a circuit to work?
RE – Holy Spirit: Why do Christians say: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
Geography– Rivers: The Mersey: Friend or Foe?
PE – Rounders
Art- Drawing skills
Computing –Programming: Repetitions in games
French- Weather and ice creams
PSHE – Confidence and Creativity- How does change and growth make us feel?
Music – Strings. Chranga- Reflect, rewind and replay
DT- Simple ciruits and switches: Designing and making a torch
Homework will continue to be set on a Tuesday and will be due in by the following Monday. Spelling tests will be every Tuesday and times table test will be every Friday. Topic home learning will be sent home each half term.
Reading should be recorded in your home-school diary regularly. These will be checked each week.
Music will be taught by specialist music teacher every Monday.
Mrs Ames and Mrs Pawson