Year 4
Welcome to Class 4's Homepage
Dear Children
Summer Term
I hope you all had a fabulous Easter Break.
Well I can'tb believe we are now beginning the final term of the year. We have lots to look forward to, such as 'Tales from the Legend of King Arthur', performed by a visiting playgroup. The DINOSAURS are also visiting our school, which should be great fun! I have arranged some intra-school competitions with our coach Dave and of course we have our School Sport's Day to look forward to.
I have added a few photographs to our page - Forensic Day and DT Project.
I look forward to welcoming you all back after the holidays.
Mrs McClellan
We arrived safely and have been very busy dancing, painting, creating animals out of fir cones and much, much more!
We all slept welll and were up bright and early ... Mrs McClellan didn't get chance to have a lie-in this morning!
We are looking forward to all the rest of the activities ... so far our favourite things are social time, dance and art ... and we have another day to go!
We are missing you at home ... but not too much we are having fun!
See you soon :)
Happy New Year to you all!
I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to the new term,
I really enjoyed my Christmas break and I am now a nana to Millie Loise, who eventually arrived on the 30th December.
Thank-you all for the lovely Christmas presents. You are all very generous.
Well it is not long off our residential to Tattenhall. If you have any queries or concerns about this trip, please come and see me.
Mrs McClennan
We are now halfway through the spring term. At present the class are busy designing and making money containers. They have learnt a number of sewing techniques, which I am sure you will be impressed with.
The children are learning how to play Tag-Rubgy with Dave, our coach and they are continuing to make progress with playing the recorder.
This half term we are starting work on the Romans. I will be sending home a choice of home learning projects linked to this topic.
Bye for now
Mrs McClellan

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