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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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Year 3

Thursday 17th June 2021


Hello Class 3


I hope you all had a lovely break and managed to enjoy the sunshine! It has been so lovely to have you back in class over the last few days and I have been very impressed with how hard you have been working.


This term, we will be looking at time, shape, mass and capacity in Maths. In English, our new book is Zeraffa Giraffa and we will be learning all about the journey that Zeraffa went on to arrive in Paris. In Geography, we will be looking at coasts and in DT we are focusing on pneumatics and we will be making our own moving monsters. 


We have a very busy term ahead but I know you will all continue to work extremely hard.


Here is your topic homework for this term. I hope you enjoy creating your projects. 



Monday 12th April 2021


Hello Class 3


Well done on a fantastic first day back. I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. Please find below some information that you may find useful for the term ahead.



Homework will continue to be set on a Tuesday and will be due in the following Monday. I will use this class page to remind you whether the homework is on Teams, or in books. This week, homework will be set on Teams.



PE this term is going to be on a Wednesday afternoon, so please make sure you have PE kits in school by then. Thank you to those who have already brought them in. 



Spelling tests will continue to be on a Friday morning. New spellings will then be sent home each Friday ready for the following week's test.


Topic Homework

Here is your topic homework for this term.





Hello Class 3


It has been so lovely to have you all back in school this week. I hope you have enjoyed your first week back as much as I have. You have all worked so hard and I have been very impressed with each and every one of you. 


I also want to say a huge thank you to all the Class 3 parents for my thoughtful gifts and cards. It was so kind of you and really meant a lot. 


Just a reminder that on Friday, we are having a Class 3 Talent Show for Red Nose Day. This year's theme is superheroes and I can't wait to see all of your superpowers! If you would like to send in a video of you showing your talent, you can send these to me via the chat function on Microsoft Teams.


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Stubbs





Hi Class 3


I hope you all had a lovely weekend.


I just wanted to say thank you for working so hard during your home learning. It is lovely to see so many of you completing the online activities and I have been so impressed with the work you have produced so far. If you complete any work on paper that you would like to share, please send a photo in to school as I would love to see it. 


Let's keep up the good work for the week ahead.


Miss Stubbs

Hi Class 3


Happy New Year!


I hope you are all as excited as I am to return to school for our Spring term. We have lots of new and interesting topics this term, including the Bronze Age and Iron Age in History, and Sandwich Snacks in DT. In Maths, we will continue to work on our multiplication and division and in English, we are going to be writing a recount in the form of a letter. 


Homework will continue to be set on a Tuesday and should be returned by the following Monday. Spellings will be sent home on a Friday as normal and will be tested on the following Friday.


This term, PE will be on a WEDNESDAY afternoon. Please ensure that PE kits are brought into school as soon as possible. Our first PE lesson will be Wednesday 6th January.


Finally, please see below the topic home learning for this term.


I look forward to seeing you all in the morning.


Miss Stubbs

Good Morning everyone,


A huge thank you to all the parents for our Christmas gifts. We were overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. We have really enjoyed spending our time with the children in the classroom and watching them learn and grow. We wish you all a happy Christmas and look forward to a kinder 2021 for us all. 


Thank you again,


Miss Stubbs and Mrs Hopley

Hello Class 3


Please see below for this half term's topic home learning. 


Miss Stubbs

Hi Class 3,


I hope you are all as excited as I am for the week ahead. We have some fantastic lessons planned, including a German themed afternoon for European Languages Day.


It is so lovely to have all children back in class this week.


Miss Stubbs 

Hello Class 3,


I hope you all enjoyed your first full week back at school. I am so impressed with how well you have settled back into school life and how hard you have been working.


I know that some of you are working from home at the moment, so I have attached a link to BBC Bitesize so that you can complete some activities at home. I have also added a number of tasks on Purple Mash for you to complete.


Miss Stubbs

Dear Class 3,


I hope you all had a lovely summer holiday and I can't wait to hear about all the exciting things you have been up to. I know that returning to school may feel a little strange at first, having been off for such a long time, but please know that I am here to support you in any way that I can.


Below, I have attached a welcome letter for you with lots of information about the year ahead which you and your family may find useful. There is also a curriculum plan so that you can see what we will be looking at in each subject area.


I am very much looking forward to being your Year 3 teacher and I hope that you are as excited as I am for our year together.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.


Miss Stubbs 
