Year 3
Welcome back everyone.
I hope you all had a fabulous Easter holiday and enjoyed the wonderful weather.
Well, I can't believe we are about to start our last term in Year 3. The time has flown by.
This is an exciting and very busy term. We start our swimming lessons on Thursday 25th April. The swimming dates are as follows:
2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd May.
13th, 20th and 27th June.
4th and 11th July.
The children will continue with their swimming lessons in Year 4.
We also have the Gospel Singing performance at Liverpool Cathedral to look forward to.
I have uploaded the Curriculum Newsletter on our page so that you can see what we are going to learn about this term.
I will be giving out a Home Learning activity on Friday 26th April so please look out for that.
Mrs McClellan

Curriculum Newsletter
Class 3 take part in the Easter Experience
The Alice Experience

Welcome back.
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year.
We are continuing with our Gospel singing and as a Gospel choir, we have the Alice Experience to look forward to. This experience allows the children to explore the fantastical world of Wonderland. As part of the Experience, the children will be performing two specially written songs.. I will be sending out more information shortly.
We are also benefiting from the Design Technology expertise of Emilia's granddad, who will be teaching the children how to make 'Moving Monsters'.
Please can you support your children with their multiplication tables. They all have a log in for Times Tables Rock Stars.
PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday this half term.
I will keep you informed with what else is happening in Year 3.
Mrs McClellan
Class assembly

Welcome to Class 3.
I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and are excited about being a junior. I am really looking forward to teaching you this year.
There are lots of fantastic things happening in Year 3 this year. I hope you will be very happy and that it will be a very special time for you.
Home/School Diaries.
These will be checked and signed every Monday. Please ask your parents/carers to sign them each week. If you have an important message from home then please leave your diary on my desk in the morning as you come in.
There is now a Reading Record page in the diary. You need to record the book and page you have read up to each evening. You should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. You will also be set a vocabulary task or question about your reading book which you need to answer in the diary in the last box on the Reading Record side.
As well as reading each day you will also have Maths and English homework each week. Maths will be given out each Friday and needs to be handed in no later than the following Thursday. English homework will consist of either a reading comprehension/short written piece as well as a punctuation/grammar activity. These will be given out each Tuesday and need to be handed in no later than the following Monday. Spellings will be given out on a Wednesday and you will be tested on them the following Wednesday. You will find your spellings in your Homework Diary.
You should spend no longer than 15 minutes on each homework task. If you haven't finished it in 15 minutes then don't worry.
You will also be given a topic home learning task each half term.
Once again Year 3 have been invited to participate in Gospel singing lessons. This happens every week and culminates in a performance at the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool in the summer.
Warrington Wolves are visiting the school this half term to work with Year 3. We are then invited to take part in a tag rugby festival. This is a fun event against other Warrington schools.
If parents have any free time, then I would welcome any help in the class. Just let me know.
Thank you. Mrs McClellan
Curriculum Newsletter
Topic Homework
Aim High, Shine Bright