Year 2
Summer Term 2016
Welcome to Class 2.
Welcome to a new term in Class 2.
Our topic this term is NIGHT AND DAY LIGHT AND DARK
Please see the newsletter to find out about what we are going to be learning this term.
Reading at home should be done daily. Reading books can be changed every morning. Guided reading takes place weekly and individual reading takes place on a regular basis.
SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar)
New SPAG homework will be given each Thursday and collected in the following Wednesday.
The children are expected to show that they can apply any new phonic pattern/
spellings in their every- day work. Tricky words will be given out and tested regularly.
Homework will be set every other Friday and due in the following Friday.
Maths homework will be set every other Friday and due in the following Friday.
Times Tables and number bonds work is on-going throughout the term.
The children need to practise counting in 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s, then 3x and 4x. They also need to practise them using the written form eg 2x6=12
They also need to continue to practise their number bonds.
Home Learning - Topic work.
The children will be experiencing a new topic every half term. They will be given a choice of 3 Home Learning tasks and will be expected to choose 1 of them to complete and hand in before the end of the half term.
Please see separate sheet.
Sandymoor Week 2

Week 2
Sandymoor Week 1
Class 2 were very excited to travel to Sandymoor for their Computing Lessons. We are developing our knowledge of Scratch. This week we added sprites (objects/people) and made them move. We also designed our own sprites or picked one from the gallery available on Scratch. It was great fun and we can't wait for next week.
Sandymoor Week 1
KS1 SATS Information for Parents Spring 2016
Our Class Assembly - Famous People and our topic The Great Fire of London and London as it is today.