Year 1
Dear Children and Parents,
Spring Term 2015
Welcome to the Spring Term, Easter will be arriving soon. Before then we have lots to learn about our new topic 'Treasure Island'. We will be investigating islands in Geography, we will be learning about coins and co-ordinates in Maths and writing our own story about pirates in English.
In Design Technology we will be making our own fruit pirate boat and be the end of term we will have built a shelter.
In History we will be learning about Homes in the past and how they differ to our homes today.
Happy New Year to you all!
In History we will be learning about Toys in the past. Please can we borrow any old toys, games or books to go into our Class Museum.
In DT and Art we will be making puppets, linking with instructions in our English lessons and moving pictures, for example a firework rocket picture and toys with arms that move.
In Maths we will be telling the time, sequencing times of day, days and months using the Angry Ladybird story by Eric Carle to help.
In RE we will be learning about the Jewish festival of Hannukkah and in science we will be learning about Light and Dark.
Our Class assembly will showcase some of the things we have been learning this term.
Full details of our learning this term are on the Autumn Newsletter below.
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