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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 30.3.20



Good morning Class R.


A big thank you for all the work you have been doing, I’m so proud of you all!  I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

Here is today’s home learning:


Writing – in your workbook write a few sentences telling me what you have been doing at home.  Sound out each word and use your ‘robot arms’ to support your writing.  Ask your parents to help with any tricky words.  Once you have finished draw a picture to accompany it. 


Reading - please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents/carers may ask you about the book.

Good Morning everyone


Here is today’s home learning:


Phonics – please complete another sheet in your individual phonics pack. 


Reading - please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents/carers may ask you about the book.

Wednesday 1st April


Good Morning!

Here is today’s home learning:


Maths - please complete another worksheet in your individual maths pack.  Ask an adult for support if you find it a little tricky.


Reading - please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents/carers may ask you about the book.


E-Safety – Please look at the E-safety page on our school website.  Make sure you spend 10 minutes each week discussing/thinking about how to stay safe online.

Tuesday 31st March


Today’s Home Learning:

Purple Mash Activity – we have listened to and written the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’.  This activity requires you write a few words in the speech bubbles for what each character in the story might be saying.  This activity is set as a ‘2do’ at the top of the page……enjoy!                                                                                    Please complete by Tuesday 7th April


Reading - please read one of your Active Learn books that has been allocated to your file for 10 minutes.....don't forget the 'Bug' quizzes.

Monday 30th March


Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend. 


Here is your work for today:


Communication & Language – Let’s have some fun!  Ask your family to join you playing school.  Follow the instructions on the attached activity sheet and then complete the writing part.


Reading – please read one of your Active Learn books and talk about the book with your parent/carer.  Discuss what you liked about the book etc.  Don't forget to look out for the 'bug' at the top of the pages and answer the comprehension questions.