WB 27.4.20
FRIDAY 1st May
Good morning Class R. Well it has soon got to Friday again and can you believe we are at the end of week 6 in lockdown! Well done to everyone who completed their phonics on Purple mash, lots of you getting a 100% score!
Here is today’s home learning:
In your workbook I would like you to write a few sentences about what you are doing during the lockdown. For example, what you are doing to fill the time, what things you like doing best and least. Try to remember to start your sentence with a capital letter, end with a full stop and leave finger spaces between words. Use your ‘Robot Arms’ to help you sound out each word.
Maths - Please complete one of the differentiated sheet in your maths pack. Once finished glue it in your workbook.
Active Learn Please read one of your allocated Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents may ask you about the book.
Thursday 30th April
Hello everyone, I hope you are still enjoying the activities I am setting for you. For those that completed yesterday’s Purple mash maths activity, well done! I can’t provide feedback on any quizzes but I have all the scores and you all did great!
It is also lovely to see all the photographs of your work that you are sending in. However, please don't feel that you need to send in photographs each day of every piece of work that you complete on a daily basis. It must be very time consuming sending in so much work.
Mrs Griffiths
Here are today's activities!
Purple mash activity set as a 2do. Using the ‘ai’ and ‘ee’ sounds, choose the correct sound to complete the words on the screen. Please complete this activity by 7th May.
Look at the PPT below and match the picture to the 3D shape……try some of the activities too.
Please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents may ask you about the book.
Wednesday 29th April
Hello Class R, happy Wednesday!
Thank you for all your amazing work! Do not worry if you can’t save the phonics activities on Purple mash, it’s just the way the program is but rest assured it does save and I can see your times and scores! You are all doing so well.
I miss you all so much, have a great day and keep safe!
Mrs Griffiths
Here is today’s home learning:
Today’s Purple mash activity set as a 2do.
Let’s look at money. Can you go shopping with coins up to 10p? Please complete by 6th May.
Work your way through this activity booklet up to page 8. If you can, please write a sentence in your workbook using the words on the sheets, we will be working through the rest of the book next week.
Please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents/carers may ask you about the book.
Please look at the E-safety page on our school website. Make sure you spend 10 minutes each week discussing/thinking about how to stay safe online.
Tuesday 28th April
Good morning Class R, thank you for all the work you are completing.
Below is the link for phonics activities that you can do at home if you wish to do any extra work.
Here is today’s Home Learning:
Purple Mash Activity
What are the different types of weather conditions? What do they look like? When you have finished this activity, can you write a sentence about the weather? I have set this activity as a 2do, please complete by Tuesday 5th May.
Look at the 3D shapes below and try to learn the names of them. Can you find any of these shapes in your house? If you can experiment with them to see if they roll or slide or maybe both. Either use the table below and stick it in your workbook or make your own table in your book with your findings.
Could you please complete one of the worksheets in your differentiated phonics activity pack and then glue it in your workbook.
Reading – Active Learn
Please read one of your Active Learn books that has been allocated to your file for 10 minutes.....don't forget the 'Bug' quizzes.
Monday 27th April
Good Morning Class R!
A big thank you for all the work you have been doing both on-line and in your workbooks. I am looking forward to when we can all work and play together again and see your happy faces!
I hope you are enjoying all the activities I am setting for you, I am trying to make learning as much fun as possible on-line!
Here is your work for today:
Phonics – Purple mash
I have set a phonics task for you to complete on Purple mash – this is set as a 2do Choose the correct ending to each word you see on the screen. Please complete by the 4th May.
Communication & Language and Writing
I am learning to … ask who, what, when, where and how questions. Follow the instructions on the sheet below….enjoy!
Using the instructions below we are going to measure short periods of time. Work with an older sibling or your parents for this activity. Write your results in your workbook.
Please read one of your Active Learn books and talk about the book with your parent. Discuss what you liked about the book etc. Don't forget to look out for the 'bug' at the top of the pages and answer the comprehension questions.