WB 20.7.20
Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Good Morning Year R!
I hope you all have a wonderful summer. Have a well deserved rest and I'll see you soon when you begin Year 1 in September!
You have all worked exceptionally hard over the last 18 weeks and we are super proud of you all.
Enjoy your holidays and take care
Love from,
The Reception Team x
If you are looking for extra activities to do over the summer holidays then have a look at our ‘Extra Learning Resources for the Summer’ icon on the class pages menu. Here you will find lots of great ideas for things to keep you all entertained!
Tuesday 21st July 2020
ENGLISH: Today’s storybook is called ‘The Toys’ Party’. Read the book and complete the activity below.
Monday 20th July 2020
Hello Class R! I hope you all had a super weekend!
This is our few days of home learning - you have all worked incredibly hard over the last few weeks and months! It has been a delight to have some of you back in school over and those of you at home I know how incredibly hard each and everyone of you is working
Have a great day Class R,
The Reception Team x
ENGLISH: Today, I have attached a story called 'Toads in the Road'. Begin by reading the story (either on your own, with an adult or maybe an older sibling!) and then complete the activity below:
*The story focuses on the 'oa' and 'ur' sounds...
Match the sentence beginnings and endings together. You could either do orally, print off the worksheet if you are able to and draw lines to match them together OR write the complete sentences in your exercise books practising your very best handwriting
READING: Read one of your Active Learn reading books or a book of your choice that you have at home.
I have attached some eBooks below that you could also read if you would like to