WB 20.4.20
Good morning Class R. I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine as well as working hard. Again, thank you for all the work you are completing, I am so proud of you all.
If you would like to access any additional activities whilst at home, BBC Bitesize have some great daily lessons on their website - not just English and Maths, but also Science, History, Geography and more! It does only start in Year One but there may be some things you can do.......surprise yourself!
If you would like to have a look, I have added the link below.
Writing – in your workbook write about your favourite story - sound out each word and use your ‘robot arms’ to support your writing. Ask your parents to help with any difficult words. Try to include some ‘tricky’ words (below). Once you have finished your story, draw a picture to accompany it.
PHASE 2 – I the no go to into
PHASE 3 - we me he she was my you all
Maths - Please complete one of the differentiated worksheets in your maths pack and then glue it into your workbook when completed.
Reading – Active Learn
Please read one of your allocated Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents may ask you about the book.
Thursday 23rd April
Hello everyone, I hope you are finding time to enjoy the lovely weather we are having at the moment. Thank you so much for all the work you are completing both in your workbooks and on Purple mash. I am really missing all of you but seeing the work you are doing is making me so happy and proud to be your teacher!
Here are today's activities!
Phonics/Spelling – Purple mash activity set as a 2do. Using the 'ch' and ‘sh’ sounds, choose the correct sound to complete the words on the screen. Please complete this activity by 30th April.
Maths – Complete the pattern
Using the sheet below, complete each colour and shape pattern – stick this in your workbook once completed
Reading - please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents may ask you about the book.
Wednesday 22nd April
Hello Class R, thank you for all your amazing work! You are all doing so well.
Here is today’s home learning:
Maths – Counting and Pictogram Purple mash activity set as a 2do.
During the next few days look in your garden or when you go for a walk and make a pictogram of the number of mini beasts that you see around you. Please complete by 29th April.
Spelling/Writing – Write clues using simple words.
Complete the activity set below. Play a game and write simple words – use your phonic knowledge and ‘robot arms’ to help you. Then stick all your clues in your workbook.
Reading - Please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents/carers may ask you about the book.
E-Safety – Please look at the E-safety sheet below – Digital Footprints. Look at each animal’s information that they have online and then answer the questions with the support of your parents. Your parents can write the answers down for you as long as you are involved in the discussion.
Tuesday 21st April
Good morning Class R.
Thank you to everyone who completed their Purple mash work yesterday, I have all your scores but unfortunately I cannot give feedback on phonics activities.
Today’s Home Learning:
Purple Mash Activity - the princess is getting ready for her day, can you help her get dressed and prepare her with her wand and fairy dust? I have set this activity as a 2do, please complete by Tuesday 28th April
Maths – Finding one more and one less.
Choose two or three of the practical activities on the sheet below and work out the answers to the challenges – if you can draw some of the number problems in your workbook that would be great!
Could you please complete one of the worksheets in your differentiated phonics activity pack and then glue it in your workbook.
Reading – Active Learn
Please read one of your Active Learn books that has been allocated to your file for 10 minutes.....don't forget the 'Bug' quizzes.
Monday 20th April
Good Morning Class R!
A big thank you for all the work you have been doing, I’m so proud of you all! I hope you are all well and keeping safe.
Here is your work for today:
Phonics – Purple mash
I have set a phonics task for you to complete on Purple mash – this is set as a 2do –choose the correct ending to each word you see on the screen. Please complete by the 27th April.
Communication & Language and Writing – Using talk to share our ideas.
Read your favourite book with an adult, then collect lots of different natural materials and follow the instructions on the sheet below.
Maths - Can you find the total number of items in two groups by counting all of the objects? Please choose two or three of the activities on the sheet below and then draw or write the number problems in your workbook. Ask an adult for support if you find it a little tricky.
Please read one of your Active Learn books and talk about the book with your parent. Discuss what you liked about the book etc. Don't forget to look out for the 'bug' at the top of the pages and answer the comprehension questions.