WB 18.5.20
Friday 22nd May
Good morning Class R.
Well it’s almost weekend again, it soon comes around! We have a lovely holiday to look forward to, so please take a well earned rest from school work.
Thank you so much for your continued efforts - it has been wonderful again to see all of the excellent work you have completed this week!
Enjoy the weekend!
Love Mrs Griffiths x
Here is today’s home learning:
We have a very important job for you to do Class R!
For your writing task today I would like you to write a review of your time in Year R for your school report.
We would normally do this together at school and enjoy remembering all the wonderful things we have done, but this time we would like you to do your absolute best writing for us at home.
In your ‘Review of the Year’ I would like you to write about all the fantastic things you have enjoyed in Year R. You might like to write about all the new things you have learned, the different lessons you have enjoyed and all the other wonderful learning opportunities like our trip to Grappenhall Heys Walled Gardens, our Fairy Story assembly, PE with Dave, our fantastic Nativity and much more. Have a look back at our class page for some reminders of the wonderful things we have done!
You can also include your achievements, what you think you have really improved on and what you are most proud of. There is also space for you to write about something that you think you could be even better at and have this as your own personal target for next year.
We would like you to do your absolute BEST writing, so beautiful handwriting, clear finger spaces between words, careful use of capital letters and full stops. All of this should be done in a good quality, sharp writing pencil please.
You can print off the template below and write directly on to that or if you need to, we will have blank copies available to collect from school today.
Once it is completed, please can you return it to school by Friday 12th June.
You can do this by scanning or taking a photograph of your work and emailing it to school.
Posting it to our school address.
Delivering it by hand in to the ‘Red Post-box’ which will be outside, at the front of school from Monday 8th June.
Look at the sheets below and can you work out the answers using the knowledge from the practical activities you completed yesterday? Then can you sort the pictures into full, half-full and empty?
Active Learn Please read one of your allocated Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents may ask you about the book.
Thursday 21st May
Hello everyone and Happy Thursday!
Well wasn't it a gorgeous day yesterday! I hope you all managed to play outdoors and have some fun.
I hope you are still enjoying the activities I am setting for you. I am missing you all so much but I am really proud of the way you are all ‘getting on with it’ and working so hard……you are a credit to your parents and your teachers!
Love from Mrs Griffiths x
Here are today's activities!
Communication & Language
Purple mash activity set as a 2do.
Let’s talk about feelings! In class we have discussed many times how we are feeling and what makes us happy, sad or upset. This activity asks us to draw four different feelings on the blank faces. Talk with your parents about each face you draw. Please complete this activity by 28th May.
Today we are still going to be working on capacity. This work is very practical and fun! With a family member, complete the activity/game set below. See who is the winner? Was the game fair? If not, why not? Maybe you could make some more games up and have fun with capacity and potions
Please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents may ask you about the book.
Wednesday 20th May
Hello Class R, happy Wednesday!
Thank you all for working so hard, you are making me a very proud teacher!
The sun is shining again just in time for the Bank Holiday weekend!
Mrs Griffiths x
Here is today’s home learning:
Today’s Purple mash activity set as a 2do. Can you place the objects in the correct box? Decide which is the shorter or longer of each object. Please complete by 27th May.
Can you write a sentence about each of these topics in your workbook? Sound out each word using your ‘Robot Arms’ and remember finger spaces, capital letters at the beginning of each sentence and full stops at the end of each sentence.
The beach
The garden
The park
The farm
Please read one of your Active Learn books for at least 10 minutes and use the illustrations to answer any questions your parents/carers may ask you about the book.
Watch the PPT, Buddy the Dog and complete the safety quiz with him. Keep safe by always follow our internet safety rules!
Tuesday 19th May
Good morning Class R!
Thank you for all the work you are sending in, you are all working extremely hard and I really appreciate all the effort from you and your parents. It was lovely to see all your writing on Purple mash yesterday…….excellent instructions! Some of you made the rice crispy cakes too, they looked delicious!
You are all amazing!
Love Mrs Griffiths x
Here is today’s Home Learning:
Purple Mash Activity
We have read the story of Hansel and Gretel in class. What would a house built from sweets look like? Can you create your own sweet house? I have set this activity as a 2do, please complete by Tuesday 26th May.
Look at the posters below on capacity. Then complete the activity sheet, use the sheet to write your answers on and then stick it in your book or copy it straight in your book if you can’t print it.
Look at the sheet below….. I am learning to tell my own stories. Choose where the story will be set e.g. in the park, in a jungle or on the beach. Take it in turns to tell the next bit of the story. Write a few sentences about your story in your workbook. You could also write speech bubbles for the characters.
Reading – Active Learn
Please read one of your Active Learn books that has been allocated to your file for 10 minutes.....don't forget the 'Bug' quizzes.
Monday 18th May
Good Morning Class R! Happy Monday!
I hope you’ve all had a lovely, relaxing weekend and taken time to enjoy some time outdoors.
Just a reminder if you would like to access any additional activities whilst at home the BBC Bitesize website and Oxford Owl on-line reading books are available. I have added the links to both websites below.
Love Mrs Griffiths x
Here is your work for today:
Writing – Purple mash
I have set a phonics task for you to complete on Purple mash – write instructions to make rice crispy cakes. In the Easter holidays I gave you the recipe and instructions for the cakes and many of you made them. Using the word bank write each step to make the cakes and add the pictures with the instructions. Maybe if you have the ingredients you could try and make the cakes with your parents following your own instructions. Please complete by the 25th May.
When you have completed the Purple mash activity, write your instructions in your writing book. Then draw a picture of what the Rice crispy cakes will look like when finished.
Will the wizard needs help finding the right potions. Can you help him by answering the questions correctly?
Watch the PPT below and have fun!
Please read one of your Active Learn books and talk about the book with your parent. Discuss what you liked about the book etc. Don't forget to look out for the 'bug' at the top of the pages and answer the comprehension questions.