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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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WB 15.6.20

Hello, I just thought the following may be of interest for you.


Tomorrow, the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy during which she will speak about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’. This was developed to encourage children to explore ways in which they can show kindness and recognise the benefits of kindness to others.


If you want to listen, please follow the link below!

Hello everyone,

From today there will be no home learning on the Class Page for reception class.

For those children not returning to school I have made a home learning folder for you to work through at your own pace. 

The work in this folder will cover a two week period and then I will have another set of work ready for you to collect outside school.  Some things in the folder maybe work that has been taught before and is repeated for consolidation and other things are completely new learning.

Make learning fun and enjoyable!

Try to have a routine where you complete a maths activity and a writing activity daily and continue to read each day for at least 10 minutes.  Purple Mash is also available for you to choose activities and try Mini Mash, which is just for Early Years.

The individual folders will be ready for collection after 1pm outside school.  Each folder will be labelled with the child's name on.

There are other websites available too, for example:

Don't forget to look on the 'extra home learning resources' for lots of ideas.