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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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School Council 2014-2015

Read about our fantastic School Councillors by looking at the Powerpoint below.

Remember to view our School Council Display.

QUIET AREA... Linda (our Governor) is working with us to think of ideas for a quiet area in our playground ... please give your ideas to your class representatives!


The School Council helped to sell FairTrade drinks and snacks at our tuck shop ... Did you see the FairTrade banana?!  

The School Council are talking to Mrs Fryman about Wet Playtime toys ... we would like some more toys to play with when the weather is wet.  Please give you ideas to your representative so they can tell everyone at the next meeting!

Please continue to give your Class Councillors your ideas and put feedback in the School Council box.

School Council

School Council Powerpoint 2014-2015

School Council work 2013-2015
