Class R, we are into our last term of school and I can't believe how quickly this year has gone. Our new topic is, 'People Who Help Us' and we have some lovely activities planned.
Sports Day will soon be upon us and we will be practising for it during our PE lessons.
Home Learning will be sent home every Tuesday and please keep up with your reading each are all doing amazing!
Here a few photographs of some of the activities we have been doing in class R during the Summer One term.
Class R have loved their time at Forest School. We can't believe that this was our last session here. The children had a great time searching for the eggs but the highlight of the morning was eating the Smores !!
Class R enjoyed their morning at Delamere. We made Easter bunnies from cut pieces of wood. The children added eyes and made the ears from leaves and the whiskers from pine needles. We have loved our time at Forest School.
What a lovely day to go bug hunting at Forest School. The children had fun looking under logs and in the leaves for different bugs. They found worms, beetles, slugs and lots of other insects. They then made a Bug Hotel for the insects. We are looking forward to finding out next week if there are any bugs living in there.
Class R had a lovely morning at Forest School. The children made a house for the fairies that live in the forest. They enjoyed toasting their marshmallows and eating them!!
Class R had an enjoyable morning at Delamere. They made Garden Fairies out of pieces of wood and had fun chilling in the hammock.
Class R enjoyed our activity on E-safety. They know who to go to for help should anything go wrong.
Journeys Knowledge Organiser
Class R had another great day at Delamere. They made a den for the dinosaurs, dinosaur soup in the mud kitchen and love bugs as part of their mindfulness session.
Another fun day at Delamere Forest. We collected logs, twigs, moss, leaves and pine cones to make super large nests. We also had a treat and toasted marsh mallows on our camp fire.
Another fabulous day at Forest Schools. Today we made bird feeders, as it is National Bird Week. We had lots of fun making them and I'm sure the birds will love feeding from them when they are in our gardens.
Today at Forest Schools we collected different size twigs/logs and made dens big enough for us to sit in. We also sat around the campfire and toasted marshmallows!
Class R had lots of fun today following a story trail and making 'Stick Men'.
Enjoying Delamere Forest
Spring 2022
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and received lots of great presents! Again, thank you for all the kind words, cards and gifts that Miss Chalmers and I received, they were very much appreciated.
How quickly has the Spring term come around? Our topic this term is 'Transport'. We will be changing the role-play area to a Travel Agents and we have lots of exciting things planned for you for this topic.
We are also lucky enough to be chosen to do 'Forest Schools' for the next 12 weeks. The ranger, Vicky, has great things planned for us, including den building, playing on swings and hammocks and toasting marshmallows on the campfire. I will try and upload lots of photographs each week.
Home learning will be sent home every Tuesday and reading books changed weekly, usually on Mondays. Please ensure you support your child with both.
Mrs Griffiths
Transport Knowledge Organiser
Welcome back Class R!
This is one of my favourite terms of the school year. Even though we will be very busy with lots of work, it will be a very exciting term.
Our topic this term is Minibeasts and we will be soon be creating a new role-play area linked to the topic. Our new class book is, 'I'm Going to Eat This Ant' and our Literacy will be based around this story.
Before we know it we will be starting to rehearse for our Nativity and we have lots of wonderful songs to learn. We will also engage in lots of activities for Christmas.
Please find below your topic knowledge organiser for this term.
Mrs Griffiths
Minibeasts Knowledge Organiser
We have been working hard making repeated patterns using a variety of objects.
Class R went on an Autumn Hunt in our school garden. We found lots of interesting things and shared our findings with each other in class.
Lots of imaginative role-play taking place in our Fairy Tale Castle......we just love dressing up!
Having fun with paint, creating our 'Splash Art Masterpiece'.
We enjoyed making our own play-doh. We then used rolling pins and cutters to make some gingerbread men, which we decorated with coloured buttons.
A very warm welcome to you all!
I know this is a very special time for you and we are really looking forward to getting to know you all, starting with our Teddy Bear's Picnic on Monday. We will be joined by your Year 6 buddies who are busy planning games and activities for the afternoon.
Below I have attached a welcome letter giving more information about settling into school life and also a curriculum map, explaining what we will be learning over the course of the year......I hope this helps.
I will also speak to everyone at the Teddy Bear's Picnic and give more information about the day to day running of Class R and as always we have an open door policy should you have any further questions.
We have an exciting and fun packed year ahead of us and I'm sure we will all have a great time learning and making new friends.
I hope you will all be very happy in Class R.
Mrs Griffiths