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Welcome To

St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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Hello Class R!


I have enjoyed hearing about all the things you have been doing during the half term break and how you have all made the most of the beautiful weather we had.

I can't believe we are now in the last half term of your first year at St. Matthew's.


Home learning will still be sent home weekly and please keep up your reading - 10 minutes every night.


This half term our topic is, 'People Who Help Us'.  We have lots of fun and exciting activities planned for you and we will all really enjoy the last of our time together in Class R!


Mrs Griffiths & Miss Chalmers



People Who Help Us - Knowledge Organiser

We have had a lovely first week back!

Welcome back Class R!  smiley


I hope you all had a lovely, fun-filled holiday and are now ready for our last term of learning in your reception year.  How time flies!

We are going to be very busy this term and have some lovely activities planned for you.  Out topic this term is 'Animals and Growing'. 


Please remember to bring your PE kit into school as our PE session will be on Monday afternoon.  As the weather is still pretty cold, I would advise warm outdoor clothing to be kept in your child's PE bag in school.  Homework will be sent home on Tuesdays and it would be great if you could return it to school by the following Tuesday.


Mrs Griffiths & Miss Chalmers


As part of our RE-courageous advocacy, we decided to write cards to the residents of a local care home.  The children drew beautiful pictures and wrote cheerful messages to each resident.  We also sent them flowers.  
I’m sure when they receive the cards it will spread a little happiness! 

Welcome Back!
We have enjoyed having all the class back together after Lockdown.  We have had lots of fun outdoors and enjoyed playing in our new role-play area.  

We would like to thank all our amazing parents for the gifts, flowers and cards we received.  
It was so thoughtful of you all! 
Mrs Griffiths &

Miss Chalmers x

Hello Class R,

Just a quick message to say how impressed I am with how well you have adapted to remote learning.  I can see during our live lessons you are concentrating and working so hard and making me very proud......keep it up!

For those children who are working from home every day and I am adding 10 minute small group sessions to enable us to have time to talk to each other and share any news you may have. 

Continue to send in photographs of your work so that I can see how you are all progressing.


I have attached an amended timetable which will start next week.


Mrs Griffiths x



Remote Learning Timetable

All About Me - Knowledge Organiser

Just a quick reminder to those who haven’t sent a PE kit into school.  We will be having PE every Monday so please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school, including something warm to wear for when the weather turns colder. 

Home Learning 22.09.2020

After a week of transition, I am so pleased with how all the children have settled into school life.  They have made lots of new friends and are really enjoying Class R.  

A huge well done to all of you.  I am so proud of every one of you!


A very warm welcome to you all!

I know this is a very special time for you and we are really looking forward to getting to know you all.

We have an exciting and fun packed year ahead of us and I'm sure we will all have a great time learning and making new friends.


I hope you will all be very happy in Class R!
