Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2 2018 - People Who Help Us
Our Royal Wedding Party Celebration.
We all had an amazing time at the party and the weather was very kind to us.

I hope you all had a lovely Easter.
Our topic this term is 'Animals' and 'Growing'. As usual we have lots of exciting things planned and I am sure you will enjoy all our activities.
Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2018
Home Learning
Grappenhall Heys Walled Gardens

Class R had lots of fun at the Walled Gardens. We listened to the story, 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We then decorated our plant pots beautifully and planted our own beans.
Kate who delivered the activities was very impressed with our listening skills and impeccable behaviour.
The chicks are here!

Class R have been learning about the lifecycle of chicks.
We saw one of the chicks hatch out if it's egg and it was fascinating to watch.
We feel very lucky to have the chicks in school and we are watching them grow every day.
Home Learning
Home Learning 22.01.2018
Reception parents came in to have lunch with us today ... we loved having you dine with us!

Welcome back Class R
Happy New Year to you all!
Firstly I would like to say thank you for all the kind words, cards, presents and gift vouchers you gave all the EYFS staff at Christmas. It was very kind of you!
Our topic this term is 'Fairy Stories' and we have lots of exciting activities planned for you. It is a lovely topic and I am sure we will have lots of fun whilst learning.
I have attached the Curriculum Newsletter for you to find out more.
Mrs Griffiths and the EYFS team.
Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2018
Meeting Santa in his Grotto
Purple Mash Home Learning 4.12.2017
Reading at Home
A huge thank you to all our parents for supporting your child's reading at home. Reading every night with your child helps them become confident and fluent readers.
Just a reminder to ensure you make a comment in their Reading Record to help us know who reads on a regular basis.
Thank you once again for your continued support in your child's learning journey.
Anti-bullying Assembly
Home Learning
Having fun in our new role-play area.
Home Learning
A very warm welcome to you all!
I know this is a very special time for you and
I am really looking forward to welcoming you to
St Matthew's school.
We have an exciting and fun packed year ahead of us.
I'm sure we will all have a great time and I hope you will be very happy in Class R.
Just a few things to note:
- Fresh water and milk are provided each day and your child can access drinks any time during the day, so no water bottles are needed
- The home link book should be kept in your child's plastic wallet and returned to school daily
- Soon your child will bring a reading book home, along with a reading record book. Please comment in here every time you read with your child
- Could you please ensure your child's purse, uniform and PE kit are clearly labelled with their name on
EYFS Curriculum Newsletter
Hansel and Gretel - performed for us by the Hobgoblin Theatre

Class R & Class 6 - Buddies and their families have fun!