Welcome to Class R's Home Page
We had a very enjoyable morning at Grappenhall Heys Walled Gardens.
We took part in a mini-beast safari and a series of games on animals and habitats. We found lots of mini-beaster under stones, logs and by the lake. WE particularly enjoyed visiting the 'Bug-Hotel'.
A big THANK YOU to all our parent helpers who came along to help and I'm sure they will agree that the behaviour of all children was fantastic!
Well Done Class R :)
Well done to all the children in Class R!
You all tried very hard at sports day and I thought you were amazing!
Look how much fun we had.
Our sports day is this Friday at 1.15pm.
Please remember to put sun cream on your child if the weather remains dry and sunny.
Mrs Dhillon came to visit today to tell Class R about her religion. Mrs Dhillon and her family are Sikhs and she explained all about her own culture and beliefs and also showed us lots of interesting photographs.
Here is Amrit in a beautiful traditional dress that her grandad bought her when he went back to India.
This week we had a visit from Mrs Hough who is Charlie's mum and also a vet. She gave us a talk about what work she carried out at the vet's surgery and asked Evie to demonstrate what she needs to wear when performing an operation at the surgery.
She also brought in two special visitors, tortoises !!!
Did you know that a tortoise can live to 80 years old?
Welcome back to school for the Summer Term
Our topic this half term is, 'Animals' and we have lots of fun activities planned. We will be learning about pets, farm animals and wild animals. Don't forget to bring in a photograph of your pet for our 'pet corner'. We are hoping to have a visit from a local vet who will explain to us what she does and maybe bring in a special visitor or two for us to look at!
We have been very busy this week setting up our 'vets' role-play area and our pet corner.
PE this half term will be on Thursdays with Dave and myself and we will be learning how to play rounders. Weather permitting we will be on the school field so please make sure you have pumps, socks and maybe a hoodie or cardigan.
We are all very excited about next week...
The Dinosaurs are coming!
Spring Term 2015
We had lots of fun baking cakes and decorating them as our favourite fairy story character.
We have finally finished our junk model houses. I'm sure you will agree they are fabulous!
Well done Class R for an amazing assembly.
I am so proud of each and every one of you. You remembered your lines, sang and acted out the story with amazing confidence.
Welcome back after the half term break!
This week in class we have been learning about Chinese New Year. We all practised using chopsticks which was tricky and somewhat amusing too.
Our topic this term is 'Fairy Stories' and we have lots of exciting activities planned.
Thank you to everyone who brought in a box, we can now begin to make our junk model houses for the 'Three Little Pigs'.
Please don't forget our Mother's Day assembly Friday 13th Marc at 2pm, we hope you can make it.
Tomorrow is World Book Day and we can come to school dressed as our favourite book character.
Mrs Griffiths

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