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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

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As part of their remote learning, Year 5 looked at sustainability in RE.

A group of monks live in a sustainable community at Mucknell Abbey; they explored how the community was built in a sustainable manner and how the monks live sustainably. They linked this to the Creation story. The children then suggested ways in which we could be more sustainable at school.

When the monks built the new buildings, they used locally sourced and recycled material. They also have solar panels, rainwater collecting to flush their toilets and a biomass boiler that feeds on woodchips. The monks also grow their own vegetables to sustain themselves with food for winter and summer. They have planted thousands of trees and added three large ponds which have become wetland habitat over the last ten years. The monastery was not built from scratch, they used old buildings and they built new ones in a simple fashion and made the monastery wheelchair accessible. I think they chose to live in that way because they wanted to live in a God loving community and be sustainable at the same time. 


At school we could reuse or recycle any unwanted paper or plastic. We could put up solar panels and plant more trees as well as supplying the kitchen with locally sourced vegetables. 

RE / PHSE / Art


Sadly, some of our second hand uniforms didn't survive lockdown in the sheds. They were too mouldy to be worn and we didn't want to throw them in the bin. Instead, our Art Subject Leader had a wonderful idea to use them as part of our Remembrance Day display.


Here you can see the amazing results of our huge poppies made out of recycled uniforms as well as smaller poppies made out of recycled plastic bottles. 


This was a whole school project - well done everyone!
