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St Matthew's CofE Primary School

"Go, shine in the world and live as Jesus lived." (Matthew 5: 14-16)

'Work together, Aim High, Shine Bright'

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Our work from home...

Skylar I have enjoyed looking at all your work but I m particularly impressed with your handwriting!  Well don and keep up the good work.


Sammy has been working very hard writing super stories, they are amazing Sammy.......keep it up!

Sammy was a joint winner of the village competition to make an animal mask during half term.  He made a very imaginative frog with a fly on its tongue.  Very creative work Sammy, well done. 


Zane has been working hard with his home learning and I am impressed with your beautiful writing.  He has also been busy picking the potatoes he has grown. Zane turned 5 on Thursday and enjoyed celebrating by camping out in the rain/cold this weekend with his mummy & daddy in the garden!  Happy Birthday Zane!!! smiley

Annabelle it sounds like you had a great time in the holidays.  You're writing is amazing too!  Well done.


Wow!  Rex I am so amazed at your beautiful writing.......well done you clever boy.

I am also missing you Rex and look forward to seeing you and all Class R soon.

You are very brave holding that crab, I don't think I could....too scared! 


George has written some amazing stories and several pages too.......well done George!  He has also been busy bird watching, climbing trees and making lava lamps.  It sounds like you've been having lots of fun George.


Well done Annabelle, your stories are amazing and such beautiful handwriting too! 

I also love your rainbow message for me heart Thank you.


Logan has been very busy at home doing his maths and writing.  I love the story about Peter and the dinosaur! 


Rex has written some amazing stories with lots of detail and beautiful handwriting, well done. He has also had lots of fun making tie dye T-shirt’s with his mummy.......doesn't his t-shirt look great!  yes


Annabelle, your instructions are so clear.......I think I'll use them to make myself some cakes. smiley  Your cakes look so delicious by the way!  Well done.

Eleanor I have noticed how hard you are working on your writing.  It is lovely to see and I enjoyed your stories and you wrote three pages, wow!  Clever girl.


Martha has been working hard at home.  I am so impressed with your writing Martha and your subtraction number problems.....well done!


Charlie has been working really hard and trying his best with all his home schooling......well done Charlie!  Your writing is great Charlie, keep up the good work.


Florence is keeping busy with her school work.  Super writing Florence and I have also have been baking banana bread, same as you! smiley
She’s also been busy helping her dad with some DIY projects and has been joining in Thursday night clapping for the NHS......good girl.


Sammy I love your Gruffalo picture from natural resources!  Your story is very interesting too. smiley

George your writing is amazing......well done!  I also love your competition entry, super art work.


 Rosie enjoyed a lovely VE Day celebration, in which she learnt about VE Day, made bunting, flags, and scones for an afternoon tea!  Sounds just perfect Rosie!


Rex helped to paint and make some bunting for his house, then he had a little VE Day tea party in the garden.  Rex has also been enjoying riding his bike and finding hidden rocks in the park.
Rex completed today’s work and enjoyed putting the items in size order.  Well done Rex!


Annabelle I love your VE Day decorations!  You have looked after your caterpillars so well and how lovely to set them free and then write about it.....clever girl!


Charlie has been working really hard at home......well done Charlie!


Skylar has worked very hard with all her work at home.  I am impressed with your writing Skylar!


George celebrated VE Day and made great decorations for his house.  he has also been looking after his tadpoles and caterpillars! 


Georgia has been working very hard with her phonics, writing and maths.  She has also been learning about VE Day and had a socially distanced celebration in her street.


Martha has done some great work on numbers, weather, reading and writing her colours this week.  Well done Martha!


Rex it looks like you are having lots of fun with your home schooling!  I particularly enjoyed reading your Zoo story......super imagination!  Clever boy!


Well done Amalys your writing is beautiful!  I particularly enjoyed your work on France....very interesting.smiley

Benjamin has been doing some lovely creative projects this week, they're brilliant......I especially love the Poppy painting!


Annabelle what amazing writing!  I love the story you have written about The Zoo.  How exciting to see the caterpillars turn into beautiful butterflies.....amazing.


What beautiful writing Logan, I am very impressed!  It looks like you enjoyed the activity with your toys too.


Rosie what a fantastic story and beautiful writing too......well done!

I can see how hard you are working, keep it up!


Summer and her mummy have made a gorgeous heart for the babies room.  They collected sticks whilst out on a walk and cut a heart out.  They stuck the sticks down and sprayed them white......what a great idea, amazing!  Lucky baby.

Summer really enjoyed doing paper aeroplanes and flying them with mummy in the garden and then writing about it.  Summer doing her robot arms 😀 writing her CVC words.


Gabriella and her family had lots of fun doing the maths activities.  They had a competition with the paper aeroplanes to see which one would go the furthest and they all enjoyed the hopscotch activity.  I am so glad you all enjoyed the outdoor activities as a family.


 Skylar you have been working very hard and I can tell because your writing is beautiful!  I love how you have written about enjoying clapping for the NHS but daddy says you are now banging a wooden spoon on a pan to make more noise!  The louder the better I say Skylar!!


Super maths work Benjamin, well Done!


Annabelle is keeping busy looking after her tadpoles.  Super writing Annabelle, I'm very impressed!


Rex what fabulous work.  I am so impressed with the standard of your work Rex, clever boy!  I'm glad you like the photographs of the scarecrows, they're very creative aren't they? 


IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Alice I am so thrilled to hear your news!  I'm sure you and Olivia will make a great big sisters.  How lovely to hear such wonderful news in Lockdown.....this has cheered me up so much and a big thank you for sharing this lovely news. 

smiley   Finally, you're writing is amazing Alice! 

Georgia has been very busy with her school work as well as enjoying baking and going on bike rides with mum......lucky girl!


Great maths work Benjamin, I hope you enjoyed the activity.  Those cookies look delicious! 


Skylar has worked really hard today with her home schooling.  She completed her maths work and also looked at the number of sides (some were bit tricky and needed help off mum and dad).  She then tried to find different objects in the house (ball, tennis ball tube, party hat etc) that resembled the shape she looked at!  Excellent work Skylar!



Rosie you have been working very hard and your writing is lovely, well done.


George I am loving reading your stories, well done!  It looks like you are enjoying your learning at home.


Florence is working hard and playing hard!  Well done you.  I love how you are helping your sister.....such a thoughtful girl.


Dylan has been working hard and is also enjoying time with his  family doing lots of fun activities with his brother. He also helps feeding him food and helping mummy.  What a kind boy Dylan!


Logan busy working hard with his story writing.  Your writing is super Logan, well done I am impressed!


What super writing Eleanor, thank you for all the evidence of your work.  Clever girl!smiley

Skylar enjoyed her maths work today, timing herself doing lots of activities.....well done Skylar!


George I am very impressed with your writing, it looks so neat and your Harry Potter story is amazing!

Keep up the good work.


Super work Summer!  Your writing looks amazing, well done.


Great writing Amalys, I can tell you are using your phonic knowledge.  I am very impressed!  Keep up the good work.


Great work Gabriella, your writing is lovely.


Rex has enjoyed writing clues for his sister in a game of hide and seek......beautiful writing Rex.  He also caught some tadpoles and is doing a great job of looking after them.  Well done Rex!


Zane has been working incredibly hard at home and I love the look of concentration on your face working with dad!


Well done Martha, I am so impressed with your work!  Keep it up.


Emily I have enjoyed reading your stories, well done.  Keep up the good work!



Annabelle you have been working hard and enjoying the sunshine too......clever girl!


Charlie has worked hard.  He has written a lovely story and played with his Orchard games.  What a lovely drawing Charlie! ha ha.


Jack has done lots of work at home and is keeping busy with PE sessions, football and he has even done home Olympics!  Well done Jack.


Georgia is completing all her school work and doing great!  She also painted some stones - some for the NHS which she has left in a trail on her walk.....a very thoughtful gesture!


Great pattern work Annabelle and I love your writing about the caterpillars! 


George has been busy with his school work but still found time to find ladybirds in his garden. smiley

Well done George. 

Gabriella has been working hard at home and has done this maths work mostly independent......clever girl Gabriella!


Skylar has helped mum and dad with a fruit delivery and has drawn the fruit and written down what they received....clever girl!  I love your maths work too Skylar.


Benjamin has been busy with his home learning.  His nasturtium plant is growing very well and in the big tub Benjamin's sunflower seed is off to a good start, well done Benjamin!


Glad to hear that you are keeping up with your reading Emily, mum says you are very fluent now......excellent news!


I am impressed with all your work Emily, keep it up.

Annabelle has been busy writing her clues and doing her maths.....well done!  Your plant is looking great Annabelle......glad you're looking after it.


Rosie I am so impressed with all your work, especially your maths work! 

Clever girl.


Summer has sent quite a few photographs of her work and here is selection.  She worked really hard on her pictogram work....well done Summer!


Christian looking very pleased with himself after completing his jigsaw puzzle.


Logan has worked really hard with his school work and also had fun cutting the grass......keep enjoying the sunshine!smiley

Rex enjoyed the adding challenge using blocks to count and add, he also grouped them into colours for counting.  I love how you've done the maths pictures in your workbook Rex......clever boy!



Charlie has been working hard this morning and also completed a few of the Easter maths sheets which he really enjoyed. 

Charlie is working hard with his reading and he enjoyed a nice dog walk for his daily exercise.  He also got to try out his new scooter that he got for his birthday. He has tired legs now! 

Well done Charlie!


George it looks like you are concentrating so hard on your maths work, well done.  smiley

Skylar worked hard, even on her birthday!  I love your maths work and writing Skylar......keep it up.  The photograph of you blowing candles out is fabulous.  My big girl always liked the caterpillar cake!


Annabelle has been busy with her work and reading. She’s been doing lots of bike riding and enjoying the daily walks. Annabelle has been baking jam tarts and making rainbow gems.  Annabelle, I love the picture you made based on the book, 'One Spring Day'.  Clever girl, keep up the good work!


Rosie did the nature picture today and she chose the book, 'Supertato'.  What a fabulous picture you made from natural materials Rosie.....I am very impressed!

Well done.




Charlie has had a lot of fun playing with his family over the Easter break.  Today Charlie has also been working hard with his home learning....here are a few examples of Charlie's work.  Well done Charlie!


George has been enjoying working at home and here is a selection of his work.  Your writing is beautiful George....well done!


Eleanor has worked extremely hard with her home learning and here is a selection of her work.  Eleanor you look very proud of what you have done and so am I.   Well done!


Georgia has also been keeping up with her home schooling.  Here is a selection of the hard work she has done at home.....clever girl!

Goergia I love the unicorn you have made.


Zane has been keeping super busy with daily walks and bike rides, PE lessons with his daddy in the garden, baking Easter treats, planting seeds, renovating his playhouse and of course having lots of fun in the sun!

He has also been keeping up with his reading and doing lots of work on writing his numbers as well as adding/subtracting and also working hard on his sentence writing.......wow!  

Well done Zane, I am impressed.






Martha you have been busy!  Your writing is beautiful, keep up the good work. I think the cakes you have made look delicious, maybe when we are back at school you could make me a cake....they're my favourites!


Skylar I love those colourful butterflies!  I'm sure mummy and daddy think they brighten up the house....beautiful.  I am also impressed with the neatness of your writing, clever girl.


smiley            HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU


               HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

Sammy has been very busy over Easter - here a few of the activities he has done:
Made chocolate Easter nests, wrote his Explorer Log from one of his Spring walks, completed phonics sheets and the Spring writing task.  
Sammy also did an egg hunt, some Easter activities and lots of getting messy outside including climbing trees, digging, painting and playing in the garden. He also made an Easter bonnet for the weekly village competition. 

Excellent Sammy....well done!


Logan made some snakes out of lollipop sticks.  He also enjoyed colouring the Easter pictures, doing the dot to dots and matching the words.  Logan baked some Easter cakes and took them round to the neighbours houses....such a kind thing to do Logan! 
Logan wrote Rex a letter and sent it him in the post and also wrote a lovely Easter prayer.  Logan drew his plant and wrote that it has grown 34cm tall! 

I am so impressed with how well everyone is looking after their plants.....well done.


Florence has been busy with her school work after the Easter break.  She made the butterfly and has been writing the alphabet everyday in lower case and upper case letters and also writing numbers.
She also pressed some flowers and wrote about that, and about our Easter activities.....super writing Florence!


Annabelle has been busy doing work, practising gymnastics, baking Easter cakes, dressing up and Angelina Ballerina for fancy dress PE with Joe, looking after caterpillars that are growing into butterflies and lost her first Tooth!

What a busy girl you have been Annabelle, well done!


Skylar your writing about the Easter Story is amazing!  It looks like you have been really busy this week completing all your activities....keep up the hard work.


Rex made his own crystal rainbow with his science experiment....clever boy!

Your writing is great Rex and I am so impressed with how you have looked after your plant, 24cm, amazing!


Georgia has been having fun making bath bombs with her sister!  I might try those myself Georgia, thank you.  She has also worked very hard with lots of Easter activities and here is a selection of Georgia's work.....clever girl!


Hadrian has been very busy this week.....building a pirate ship in his garden, making a treasure hunt and doing lots of Easter activities.  He also made some rice crispy cakes but mummy ate them all so no photos!  Hadrian I love the fantastic writing too.  Well done!


Skylar went on an Easter walk and collected pine cones.  She and her daddy made Easter decorations with them and here are a selection of photos....they look amazing! 

Thank you Skylar for your lovely Easter message.


Christian and Izzie have been making Easter Cakes, they look delicious! mmmm


Thank you Skylar for your lovely video and message whilst out on your daily walk. 


Sammy has been writing, reading, playing and doing work in the garden.  He has had fun acting out stories (with related work).  Well done Sammy, it's lovely to see your work!


Martha has been busy at home working on maths problems and what a beautiful piece of writing Martha!  Clever girl.


Blue Peter eat your heart out!  Christian and Izzie hard at work making wonderful creations in their garden.


Amalys has been keeping busy doing crafts, experiments and practising her ballet!

Clever girl.



Here are the clues.

Emily and Alice have been busy today, making a Covid-Cache (similar to Geocache/treasure hunt). The girls painted rocks and have then left them in places for people to find. They have created a map with clues to help people find them. 

They have had a great time doing this and have even left one outside school ðŸ™‚.    Can you find any rocks using the clues above?

Emily you have worked really hard sequencing the Easter Story and writing about each step, well done.


Skylar, well done completing these Easter activities, your chick looks great!


Florence has been busy with her school work and doing lots of craft activities.  I particularly like the drawing of my two dogs, Milo and Jake and WOW hasn't your plant grown Florence!


Summer taking care to cut out her 3D chick and dressed in her PE kit doing exercises whilst having her daily walk.


Hadrian and his little brother are busy doing their Easter activities.....it looks like you're both enjoying yourselves.


Martha I am happy to see you are working hard with your numbers.....keep up the good work! 


Dylan I love your story of 'The Little Red Hen', what super writing.  I am also impressed that you are helping mummy and have been a great big brother, well done!


Amalys you have been very busy!  Your writing is beautiful and I love how you have been learning French......clever girl. 


Annabelle I'm glad to hear you went on a bike ride and then wrote about it in your workbook.  You're writing is so neat and super maths work too....keep it up!


What beautiful writing Benjamin!  Clever boy.


Georgia has been hard at work completing her story, phonics and maths work.  Well done Georgia, you have been working hard!


Zane has been practising his phonics, the 'ch' and 'sh' sound and also worked on recognising and ordering numbers 1-20.

Clever boy!


What great writing Christian, well done.


George has been busy playing his guitar......go George!

He also worked hard on the Bee Project, well done.


Rex has made some salt dough Easter decorations for friends and family, they look fabulous Rex!  Also I am very impressed by your writing.


Here's Annabelle working out to Joe Wicks and a lovely piece of writing about it.


Mummy said Logan thoroughly enjoyed writing the story about the little red hen.  He loved pretending to be a teacher yesterday and he read a Postman Bear to his toys. Logan wrote his register in his writing book. Logan has also made a beautiful card for when his baby sister arrives.

Those cakes look delicious Logan!


Well done Charlie, super work......Your writing is so neat.


Rosie has been very busy at home, walking the dog, playing in the garden, making lots of crafts and exercising with Joe Wicks.  Here are a selection of her photographs.

Rosie's mummy has been making maths addition activities up for her using her teddies....very sensible mummy.


Summer has been very busy doing maths work......odd and even numbers.

You clever girl.


Benjamin has baking with mummy.....your cakes look delicious.

When we are back at school maybe you could make one for me!


Christian went in the garden to paint pebbles with Izzie and went for a walk in the dingle... it looks like you are enjoying yourself.

You did a good job of ordering numbers Christian, clever boy.


Benjamin this maths work is super, well done!


Annabelle your seed has grown into a lovely plant.  Keep looking after it and then you can plant it in your garden once the weather improves.


Skylar I loved watching your 'Toy School' video clip that daddy sent in, unfortunately I can't upload it to this page.


Eleanor you have worked really hard, I love your writing!

Clever girl.smiley


Amalys you have done some beautiful writing.....I am very impressed!

Keep up the good work.


Here is some of Rex's home learning: his Little Red Hen story, some number work and yesterday’s school role play which he loved.  He read a story to the class, did some phonics and helped manage tidy up time like in school and gave stickers for good work!  Clever boy Rex.....keep up the good work.


WOW!  George you have been so busy.  Here's a selection of photographs that George's mummy has sent in. 

George has been:

  • Playing in the garden with Taylah
  • Baking
  • Making bees, finding out about bees and labelling them
  • Maths work
  • Phonics work
  • Writing the story 'The Little Red Hen'
  • Labelling parts of a flower
  • Keeping fit with Joe Wicks

Well done George, you're work is amazing!


Here is Florence with the seeds she planted on our Grappenhall Heys Walled Garden trip.  They are growing beautifully.....you must be looking after them well.
Florence and her classroom of teddies today.  She took the register and handed out handwritten names cards.  I'm glad you are enjoying the activities.


What a lovely story Annabelle, your writing is wonderful.  I'm glad you are keeping yourself busy, working, dancing and playing outside.  Good girl.


Emily has been playing 'Toy school' and her mummy said she loved pretending to be me, taking the register and teaching her toys.  She has written a beautiful story over two pages!  Clever girl Emily.


Hadrian it looks like you have worked really hard.....well done.

Hadrian has been:

  • Using his abacus for maths
  • Mixing colours for finger painting
  • Looking after caterpillars in his garden
  • Making a rainbow to go in his window
  • Playing on his keyboard
  • Writing a diary                    smiley

Benjamin looks like he's having a good time playing 'Toy school'keep up the good work.  I love your writing and singing Benjamin......clever boy!


Zane you have done some amazing work!  I'm very impressed.  

Zane has been busy baking with his daddy, doing his class work and making a fabulous rainbow......I love it!


Skylar has written her Little Red Hen story, well done Skylar.....very neat writing.

I love your Rainbow colouring, it really made me smile.  Be sure to put it in your window for everyone to see!

Summer has written her Little Red Hen Story using the words to the song we performed in our assembly.....clever girl for remembering!

She has also drawn a lovely picture of me out with my two dogs, Milo and Jake.  I love it Summer!


Charlie has written his story and done even more writing! You have been busy Charlie.....keep up the good work.  Charlie has also drawn a rainbow which he has put in his window at the front of the house, that will make people smile Charlie.



Rosie has written her story about The Little Red Hen.  She has written two pages....well done Rosie.  It's a great piece of writing.  She has also painted a bee and covered her work book with collage material.  Rosie has been busy playing in her garden and going for walks in the fields near her farm.


Annabelle has worked very hard in her home learning book.  She has written about when she went on holiday, springtime and practised her number work.  Your writing is fabulous Annabelle, clever girl.


Florence has been busy too drawing her family and producing a beautiful piece of writing. What a great drawing you have done ......well done Florence. 


Rex and his little sister made wonderful rainbow pictures......clever you!  They have really cheered me up and made me smile.


Rex would like to show us all the nasturtium seed that we planted at Grappenhall Heys Walled Gardens.  WOW! Look how it is growing, you must be looking after it it Rex.  

Here is Summer in her PE kit doing keep fit with her daddy in the garden.  She is also working really hard doing her maths and reading, well done Summer!

Logan has been keeping very busy this week.  He has been writing about the books he has read and just look at his super writing!  He has also been busy making an incredible rocket!  Well done Logan. 


Christian's mum emailed this in.

Christian drew a super picture of me (I can tell it's me) and he also learned to ride his bike and went on a family bike ride!

Well Done Christian! smiley

Super writing Christian! 

You have been working very hard


Well done to everyone who completed the Purple Mash activity - plant labelling.  You all did a fabulous job!  yes
