English Home Learning
Friday 1`3th January 2017 Home Learning
This half term we are learning about toys in the past.
For your home learning this week, I would like you to ask an older family friend or relative about the toys they played with when they were young.
You can think of your own questions or use the questions below:
1. What was your favourite toy?
2. What was it made from?
3. How did it work?
4. What colour was it?
5. Where did you get it from?
6. What did it feel like?
7. Did it move?
8. What did it do?
Please record your answers in your English home learning book.
Home Learning Friday 9th December 2016
Magic C letters
Letters belong to a ‘handwriting family’. For the past couple of weeks, we have been practising the letters belonging to the ‘Magic C’ family. These are all letters which are initially formed with a ‘c’ shape. They are: a, c, d, g, o, q.
Please practise joining the letters below by tracing over them without lifting your pencil. Then practise the same letters on the lines in your homework book.
English Home Learning - Friday 18th November 2016
Our spelling pattern for this week is ‘ar’.
And our words are:
- car
- start
- park
- farm
- charm
- mark
- here
- your
- one
- ask
For home learning this week, I would like you to write 5 sentences containing 5 of the words above.
Then you can draw a picture to illustrate one of the sentences!
English Home Learning Friday 7th October 2016
Super Sentences!
In year 1, we know that super sentences need four things:
* Capital letter at the start of a sentence
* Full stop at the end of a sentence
* Finger spaces between words
* Writing on the line
Your homework this week is to complete the 'SPAG' sheet which will test your super sentence knowledge as well as re-capping some phonics too!
Try to sound out the questions using your phonics knowledge and make sure you check your answers by reading them back!
English Home Learning Friday 23rd September 2016
Favourite toys!
Our theme for this half term is ‘All About Me’ and in English we have been reading ‘Knuffle Bunny’ – a story about a little girl’s favourite toy who gets lost one day.
Your homework this week is to draw or stick in a picture of YOUR favourite toy and describe it in as many words as possible!
You could include:
What your toy looks like, what it does, how it works, how long you have had it, who gave it to you…any words at all that tell us something about your favourite toy!
Try to use your phonics knowledge to sound out words and remember not to reverse any letters.
Have fun