Eco Council Blog 2014-2015
This year eco council have decided to take part in waste week which is 16th -20th march.
What do we do?
There will be a bin outside for any fruit waste at break times and lunch times. Please put your fruit waste in these. This will be a one week trial.
In all classrooms there is a grey plastic bin. This is where any paper should be put. At the end of the day eco council will come round and collect the paper then take it to the main recyling bin.
By Jessica
Wow, Eco Council have been working very hard this year and we have achieved great things already.
So far, thanks to Harry and Jessica, we have been working on saving energy within school (turning off lights and projectors). We will continue to work on this!
Also, we received some fantastic poster entries for our saving energy posters, thank you for all of those, they were great.
It is now coming very close to 'Waste Week'. Eco Council have had a look at what happens to our waste when we are done with it and we are shocked. So we need to do something about it.
Our focus for this term to help with Waste Week is to get the children and staff at St Matthews involved in recycling and to consider what happens with our food waste. They have their work cut out for them, but they will do a great job!