Autumn Term 2015
New Entrance Hall - Work Begins and our new entrance hall takes shape

Reception and Year 6 Welcome BBQ

PTA Golf Day - Wednesday 7th October at Warrington Golf Course

Our Road Safety Officers receive their badges at the Town Hall

Y4 Residential to Tattenhall - 7th to 9th October

Harvest Festival Service in Church

Wolfie came to St Matthew's to tell us about the Rugby Festival at Lymm Rugby Club
We Watched Shaun the Sheep at our Onsie Night
We had a great time at our end of half term disco! Thanks for being a great DJ Chris!

Gardening Club reminds us that even though we can't see much happening - our seeds are still there under the ground!

Year 1's Class Assembly about Our Bodies

School Council sell cakes to raise money for the Samaritan's Purse Shoe Box Appeal
We collected 142 boxes for the Samaritan's Purse Shoe Box Appeal! Well done everyone!
Our Remembrance Service in Church - It was a very moving service, we remembered those who have fought for us and died for us in wars.

Class 6 invited their parents to their assembly

Reception parents were invited to school to have their lunch! It was yummy!

Anti Bullying Week - These are some of the activities we did this week

PTA Quiz Night

Our Chinese visitors came into school

Christmas Stalls

Wriggly Nativity - Reception

Prickly Hay Nativity - Year 1 & Year 2

Christmas Festivities